Engineer's career missions (are bad)

Yeah, I’ve tried that.

On Screaming Bell.

I even got all the way up on the rafters.

I literally tried everything at different distances and elevations and after 6 Screaming Bell runs, I quit lol

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I won’t lie, I sat in that AtG map for a good hour before I got the right spawn and I was able to bait out a leap. That and the 1,000 headshot challenge were absolutely the biggest pain in the butts in my opinion.

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I still haven’t completed the original challenge which is kill a rat ogre mid leap.

I’ve tried for over 2 years now. I personally gave up on it but I was trying to help my friend get his bomb kill for his Engi challenge.

He got frustrated too. We booted up V1 and got the ogre to leap 4 times. I don’t get what FS did that’s so different and why it’s much harder now.


You can. I spreaded my headshots over the course of Empire Flames because I had to manage the perfect distance where I was close enough that I have a realistic chance for headshots, yet far enough that the enemy didnt notice me AND my hyperactive bots didnt run over butchering them.


Also “Field Trials” (use crank gun only) is badly designed. On the one hand it do not require you to actually use a crank gun. On the other hand it will punish you if you shoot a barrel or casket with a crank gun. So its like a double fail.

(daily reminder: this is a thread on how challenges are failing in regards of gameplay, not “challenges are too hard” thread)

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I noticed something different. I don’t know if that was the case with GK challenges, but for OE if you do a challenge and fail the mission the challenge doesn’t complete. It doesn’t happen with normal challenges. I had challenges done in QP, wiped, and still got completion. This is unfair, outrageous, and unacceptable.

Young Skywalker will now sit down.

(yes it’s a bit of a sarcrastic comment, but still it hurt to finish 2 challenges in one mission and get nothing after accidental wipe…)

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I want to say that all things considered I really love the challenges in this DLC. It is so much more satisfying to earn a cool cosmetic with a challenge that makes you plan and do something moderately hard, than it is to “earn” it with a "challenge"that is just another version of “play the game” or by RNG. I loved that in the GK DLC, and I love it now. Super goid design decision by Fatshark!

Some challenges might be kind of hard, but the cool cosmetics are behind “tough, but fair” (or some quite easy) challenges anyways. And if you want to be an achievement hunter, having hard challenges is only a good thing, right? Also, I think the challenges aren’t as unreasonable as some here make them out to be. I did a bunch of them in Legend solo with bots (and for some, Deeds with more Elites and Specials help a bunch). I thought the 30 shots on a Monster or the 20 Consecutive headshots on Elites ones were a bit excessive, but if Bosses work as well and it’s only 5 headshots, those seem perfectly fine to me. Gonna try today.


@TmanDW I agree with you, but while we are at it, getting 10 shillings for one of those challanges is really no reward at all.
A part of me thinks they lost a zero somewhere. Maybe that too can be found under the stairs.


I can definitely empathize with this after true soloing parts of Hunger in the Dark on Legend to complete the “Kill 20 enemies with one barrel” challenge… Only to fail at the end when gunners pushed all 3 bots off the ledge one after the other because of the way bot AI works (or doesn’t work) in this game.


Yeah, those 10 shillings are nothing but a symbolic reward. I think they did it on purpose, so that people wouldn’t feel forced to complete all challenges. The harder stuff is there for its own sake & fun, nothing else.


That is an amazing piece of info. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Apparently that was a bug

A rather positive bug. Some challenges are pretty luck based…


No amount of shillings is “necessary” strictly speaking, so even a bigger reward, while tempting, woudln’t be forcing anyone. And tecnically you get a frame for all the challenges.
I just found odd that they moved to a shilling reward - a good idea - to give so little that it defies the purpose. If they were going for symbolic, then a commendation chest would have sufficed.

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Just a 10 shillings are feels very lame though…

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The pistol missions are some of the worst to do with this career. Like the OP said the spread on the pistol’s alt fire is far too rng dependent to work with even if you’re up next to a Troll on legend while it’s crouched down.
In addition if you do it on any of the lower difficulties you’re just killing any other monster that isn’t a troll with regen far too fast and god forbid trying this stuff with bots. Given everyone’s playing the career right now unless you’ve got 3 friends willing to help you farm out your challenges. The bot A.I always go out of it’s way to ruin your progress just either by walking in front of your ult, your shots, or killing what you’re trying to kill slowly.
I don’t see how anyone is going to get that kill a boss, elite and special in one chain gun charge unless they’re playing with twitch, or have a dedicated premade team offering to help them out. Otherwise it’s purely how luck you get. The GK missions were much easier and simpler to complete.


I think challenges should not be achievable in twitch mode. Purely because i don’t think abusing twitch mode is fair. It also provides a huge advantage to those who want to sign up to twitch and conversely becomes a huge disadvantage when it comes to Fat Shark expecting people to use it to achieve some of these challenges.

You don’t need to do that

Wait which challenges complete even on a failed mission ?
Because afaik, every single challenge notification in chat says “complete the level to complete the challenge”.

None. Not anymore, at least. It was fixed by patch 3.4.