Enemy sneaking behind players could be fixed in seconds

I’m tired of me and my teammates dying in the worst moment possible, because there is no way to tell if anything is sneaking behind.

There is no footsteps or growling, backstab sound alert only works half the time. And there is no guarantee that dodge would actually save you because the sound plays at the attack start, as opposed to a consistent timing before the attack actually hits.
And there is ONE sound instance at a time, no matter how many attacks are actually thrown.

I want to hear footsteps, PLEASE! It would be enough to render this non-issue for the rest of eternity!
All it takes is making a togglable option to disable that EMPEROR forsaken sound muffler!
Or auto-disabling it for enemies out of sight instead of this grotten sound alert.


We just need proper sound like we had in V2 and some fixes.

  • Backstabs were really good hearable, so you´ve been able to block in the right moment even on the cost of more stamina.

  • Some specials like trappers are still buggy in their audio-clue and suddenly they´re behind you. This needs to be fixed.

  • Patrols should be more than a handful of gunner and need a proper audio like we had in V2. Those silent ninjas suddenly coming pretty much out of nowhere is bs at best.

  • Spawns need to be fixed in general. No way enemy specials should spawn at “our spawn” and cross a lot of random placed NPC´s that are actually our allies. This breaks immersion.
    Also enemies shouldn´t spawn at doors if you´ve closer than 3m or so to them. It´s not just those poxbursters suddenly jump into your back without any soundclue, it´s also that “spawnkilling” them is ridiculous. Just look at the endevent of the refinery…
    Add more possible spawns as compensation and to mix things up.

And about your idea… i don´t think hearing footsteps will ever be a thing for different reasons. They really just need to fix the soundclues in general.


Audio warning in V2 was consistent, yes, but I had the same problem - I can’t hear them coming and I don’t know how many of them are there. It is sudden and confusing.
It also was less of a problem in V2 because there were no shooters. Shooters have an even worse sound alert and it doesn’t give out the distance neither the direction.

You can hear their footsteps and groans when coming at you from behind. However its audiomixed down and tends to get drowned out. It also does not consistently show up, just like the audio sting.

Yeah the sound is kinda f*cked sometimes.
Pretty weird if you don’t hear anything, turn around and see like 50 pox walkers right in your face.

I remember the backstab sound to be somewhat broken in Vermintide aswell but in Darktide it’s more prominent to me.

Yeah, exactly, they have a sound muffler that drowns sounds that have “too many” instances. It’s always active in the Psykhanium, else you would constantly hear the hound’s barking. There is Creature Spawner mod that lets you mess in Psykhanium, it also lets you disable that muffler. Not in mission, though.

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I found footsteps in VT2 were a lot more consistent. Especially big clanking armored units moving around.


there is a sound cue, it’s there but I’ve learned to listen for it. doesn’t always help mind you but I tend to be the guy on the team hanging back to wipe out stragglers while the rest of the team runs ahead. I don’t like them sneaking up behind me either.

There are absolutely instances of enemies appearing behind and even hitting you with no sound whatsoever. Even the ‘about to be hit’ sound can completely fail to play. It’s not rare, either.


This is a problem I had too, sometimes there is no audio cue.

Also, It happens a lot that a poxburster would come out of a door and explode immediately in your face without any warning sound, absolutely silent. Just spawns and explodes.

You expect new sound additions to the game which struggles even more than VT2 with audio cues? I’m not sure if you noticed but the sound in the game can literally DISAPPEAR all together or not play if you are standing in a wrong spot of some map segment.

It would be great to have a blog post from their sound team explaining these issue and challenges they face. I’m guessing due to the number of sound sources, maybe the game engine limitations its likely we will never get anything substantially better than what we have now. Backstab and more general sound issues are still there in VT2, years after its initial release.

VT2 also broke sound cues with every other major patch.