Your arguments are precisely the purpose of my comment : conditions.
If you are skilled enough, if you play cata, if you play with people who take their classes to do a viable team and not full melee nor non balanced team with 3 tanks.
The problem with that type of argument is that every weapon is viable in good hands, every classes too. But let’s be real :
Cata is niche, lot of players play for fun and don’t try hard too much about an efficient team composition, lot of people play in quick play, and i bet many doesn’t even play in legendary.
Ammos efficiency for a ranged weapon is a real problem, if not, BH ( and saltzpyre for cata in general ) meta should’nt be crossbow nor arquebuse for kruber.
So yes, you could play with flail + organ guns or every crap weapons you want in cata with everybody and you could even solo this if you are a true master of the game with 2k hours. But even for real Chad its more comfortable to play rapier/crossbow for obvious reasons.
You just to have a look about some celebrities in Vermintide 2, check ChocoB in his solo run cata with the new 2h Hammer for Warrior Priest and see how he struggle vs hordes and is forced to switch in 1h hammer because the shitty dodge limit + slow animations make it bad and less comfortable.
And its exactly why javelin is dumb. It require NONE of theses conditions, you have NO real flaws, you are self suffisent.
You don’t need ranger to supply, you don’t need mate with very long range weapon to snipe from far away, you could play only javelin alternating with secondary attack and you could solo a game with no problem.
And because of this cheesy weapon, exactly like engineer class which is poorly designed like an egoist gameplay where you leech your team to rush green circles ( i kick at sight engineers in chaos waste ) you see many players play only javelin because the game allow them to not learn about the mechanics but just be autistic and spam again and again the same weapon.
I’ve about 800k hours main WHC and in no world i could ever do the half of this and just spam 99% of the time dual pistol and have the same killing potential/sustained dps because of ammos.