Hello! Is it possible you’re accidentally launching the ‘Modded’ realm, as opposed to the ‘Official’ realm? Your realm can be changed using the checkboxes next to the ‘Play’ button within the launcher.
Additionally, the crash is something we’re looking in to - apologies for the inconvenience.
I’m pretty sure they’re starting the official realm in the first video (0:18 timestamp).
D’oh, I missed that! Thank you.
@Saul_Ratvitz, the console log seems to think you’re playing on the ‘Modded’ realm as a result of Easy Anti-Cheat being unhappy, so we need to determine why that is. Firstly - have you tried repairing Easy Anti-Cheat? This can be done using the EasyAntiCheat_Setup executable located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer Vermintide 2\installers\EasyAntiCheat
Hi, thank you for responding.
I run the game only in official mode.
Yes, I have already tried several dozen times to reinstall, fix, Anti-cheat using the file you specified - everything is useless.
Every time you try to start the game in official mode, Anti-Cheat does not start, the game logo with the Anti-Cheat loading bar does not appear - as it should be in all games with EAC support.
I also tried to copy files from the Warhammer Vermintide 2 \ installers \ EasyAntiCheat folder, in other game folders with the word “EasyAntiCheat” - nothing helped. I hope this did not damage the game
I’m just desperate.
Waiting for further instructions
I dreamed for so many years when Bardin would be given a gatling machine gun.
And now this moment has come - but I cannot play.
Very upset =(
Hmmm. Could you please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:
- Open the Command Prompt as an administrator
- Enter the command:
services.msc - Locate Easy Anti-Cheat within the list and double-click it
- Change ‘Startup Type’ to ‘Manual’
- Save the changes
Checked, the startup type was already set to “manual”.
The result when starting the game is the same
What actions should I try next ?
Sorry to hear that. This will need to be escalated to Easy Anti-Cheat. They usually prefer to speak with our players directly, either you could contact them here: Easy Anti-Cheat or I can do so on your behalf (but please be aware this will increase the turnaround between responses)
I would be grateful if you would contact the EAC and pass on all the information about my problem.
I can wait as long as necessary.
Answers from the EAC team to wait here?
Sure, I’ll raise this with Easy Anti-Cheat. I’ll let you know here once I’ve received a response.
Easy Anti-Cheat have kindly requested a Process Monitor Log per the instructions here: Easy Anti-Cheat
I am attaching a link to the process monitoring log
I posted the file on google drive, as the size is large
link redacted for privacy
Super. I’ve passed this on.
How long will you have to wait for a response from the EAC team?
Easy Anti-Cheat have informed me that this looks to be an issue with our launcher! So I’ve raised this with our Tools department.
Unfortunately these investigations can take some time, so I’m happy to contact Steam and request that they issue you a refund (providing Vermintide 2 was originally purchased via Steam) should you not want to wait.
Interesting news!
No, there is no need to return the money yet, after all, I pre-ordered the game and I like it - I will try to fix this problem.
Can I try reinstalling the game?
Or do you need the game files to remain in their current state, so that you can collect more information in the future, asking me to send something else?
Reinstalling is worth a shot I suppose, computers can work in mysterious ways. Otherwise, I think this is something our Tools department will need to solve on our end.
Thanks. So I’m starting to reinstall today, I will report the result here.
This might be a fairly long shot:
You are running Windows 7 right?
How up-to-date actually is it?
Windows 7 is not getting any support/updates by Microsoft anymore, it would be still interesting if you have “recent” updates installed.