Deleting folder “EasyAntiCheat” from …\steamapps\common\Warhammer Vermintide 2\launcher help. (Why am I able to join games without anti-cheat?)
However cant search for lobbies. “*Versus quickplay disabled in modded realm”. Mods off, ofc. (In lobbie search 0 lobbies for Versus. For some reason can join other lobbies (Why? Game loaded without EAC))
This link does not help.
Windows 1 day old. Drivers new and operational. Have problems only with V2 after update 6.0.0…
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
No, I don’t use mods
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Constant (100%)
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Steam (PC)
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[PC] Crash Report (Optional):
GUID: 7b5c9787-1228-403c-9d09-7905618d1381
Log File:
Info Type:
EasyAntiCheat_Setup dont help.
Reinstalling dont help.
Verifying reinstall EAC, that dont let launch the game.
Modded realm let me in. Official - dont.
Clean Re-installation of NVIDIA drivers doesnt help.
Clean Re-Installation of V2 doesnt help.
Unsubbing from all mods doesnt help.
Tried install old versions of driver for Nvidia - doesn’t help.
Tried delete all drivers for Nvidia - doesnt help. Still same error code.
I dont think its problem with video card - before reinstallation of windows I have no problems.
Though I didnt lauch patch 6.0.0. before reinstallation…
Decided to play 1 match of VS without EAC.
Find a 1 lobby with 2 people.
Finish the match - game crashed.
At least it crashed after a match, not in a process.
I really dont understand whats going on.
Why am I able to play without EAC?
GUID: ec4bbd55-3aa2-4143-b550-c261431aa4a0
Log File:
Info Type:
[Script Error]: …ts/ui/views/level_end/states/end_view_state_score_vs.lua:111: attempt to index field ‘rewards’ (a nil value)
I’ve noticed some unusual references in your logs to backend data being ‘Read-only’ and being unable to be overwritten. This isn’t an issue I’m familiar with, so I’ve queried this with our backend developers to see if they have any insight.
I’ll be in touch once I’ve heard back from them. Thank you for your patience.
@lDzianis, just to update you, our backend developers found no issue with your account data, and informed me that the references in the logs were not actually errors or any issue, just prints that can help them to track Versus data in certain ways. Bit of a red herring, sorry!
Unfortunately, this leads us back to square one, which is that something is conflicting or not playing nicely with Easy Anti-Cheat on your system. You’ve exhausted all of our usual solutions so I can recommend to try reaching out to EAC directly as you’re likely to receive a quicker response.
@FatsharkLev I would love to, but can’t find any contacts of EAC representative.
I seen that you can contact EAC on behalf of the player, so could you please inform them about my issue?
Already collected data they needed and sent it earlier in this topic.
I can open a ticket with them, but to be completely honest with you, while we are on an old EAC version the support cases can take weeks, and in some cases months, for a reply to us. When we transition to EAC_EOS early next year this should hopefully improve as we’ll be on a version with more active support.
Looking into Error Code: 30014 a litte more online, I’ve seen mention of a corrupted file/EAC installation being the cause. So I would recommend to try the following:
Try repairing your EAC installation again
Try installing EAC on a different drive, if possible
@lDzianis I’ve now opened a case with EAC and provided information from this thread and your system logs. Hopefully they’ll respond soon - I’ll keep you posted.
Ah I see, that’s fine! It’s ideal to have both Vermintide 2 and EAC installed on the same drive anyway. Shame that it didn’t help sorry that I’ve been unable to be of help so far! Hopefully EAC will get back to us in a reasonable time
Today I try to install some other games with EAC. Robocraft and Blockade.
They work just fine. They have EAC.
So… I cant play only V2. Weird.
Also I asked software specialist from my work check this problem. He assumed that something from microsoft updates could made an issue.
I hope that when EAC and Microsoft will solve error code 30005 my problem will be solved along the way.
I found a solution.
After I reinstall Windows, I let software specialist from my work install drivers and make connection to drive for my work.
And one of the driver’s he install cause this error: Realtek_Audio(v6.0.9231.1)
Uninstall this driver and Error [30014] will not appear.