Easy Anti Cheat not detected as installed despite being installed

GUID: c27469b3-c7f0-44df-8fc6-1cc890bb2830
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When trying to play Darktide, a message pops up stating that easy anti cheat is not installed. However, I’m still able to play games like Apex Legends and Back 4 Blood. The root folder is on my computer. It’s installed, why is it that Darktide doesn’t recognize it but other games do? To clarify I’m attempting to launch the game through steam.

Hey @Aether90,

Please try our solution to this here:

I do thank you for your time and attempted solution. Unfortunately, when attempting to run the setup file, the command prompt window appears for 0.5 seconds then closes. I can’t perform step two of what is listed in the article.

Hi @Aether90,

Are you able to right-click Command Prompt and select ‘Run as Administrator’. Does this work?

If you’re finding that Command Prompt is still automatically closing, then there’s likely an underlying Windows issue. I can’t advise on this, but there are many solutions to this online provided by Microsoft Support if you search it up: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us

I found out the issue. Steam was corrupted. I had to uninstall and reinstall it, but, Darktide is now working! Sadly my core doesn’t meet minimum requirements, but easy anti cheat is no longer an issue! Thank you for your assistance!

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Glad to hear you resolved this! :grin:

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