Dodge is NOT a jump

Ok so I love this game a bunch but one thing I dont understand is why does my dodge take me off the floor when I’m near an edge. This button is crucial in melee and it functions purley on directions you can not see so why does it sentance me to death? Usually you dodge in a place in open melee but with darktide director being as impatient as it is you dont get to choose your engagements more often than not. So several spots on maps (the choke at the end of the chasm terminus bridge, several of the non distinct rubble and grate bridges on other maps as well) where you would want to close the gap and fight in melee at a crucial choke to stop a squad of gunners or traitor patrol from beaming your team. In these areas you simply can not dodge to either side as a Zealot because your dodge is so wide(atleast with a combat blade) that saving yourself from a mauler or crusher just throws you off of the map and then the monster you were dodging one taps you off of the ledge unless your team can pull off an insanely fast save.

Tl:Dr Why does the save my life button that I can ONLY use to go places I CAN NOT see throw me off ledges? Like at all?

Edits: dyslexia


Can only say “yup”. Had it happen to me more than once while blocking and dodging something I couldn’t hurt. I like the whole “sometimes you just need your team to kill it” thing, but the blind dodge = death mechanic just isn’t fun.

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Would definitely be nice if the dodging didn’t toss us off a ledge. Would be extra nice if jumping and dodging vaulted us up onto the bottoms of staircases. Just a thought.

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