left click spam is a thing with all weapons, however doing everytime a special attack to get the most of it from a weapon is just bad.
nobody is using power sword without their special attack, because it’s just weak.
the fact of that everytime you have to use special attack to get the best of the best from a weapon is weird.
power sword is like 90% special attack button and left click spam and 10% of the time left click spam when not activated, which nobody really do anyway.
Power sword essentially, doesn’t reward doing its special attack like you could do with Thammer, where it does make sense using it, in the right moment, for example bosses, crushers, bulwark, mutants.
with power sword, you will always have to rely on special attack 24/7 because without special attack is pretty much useless.
nah its worse designed because the power attack is just super state on regular. the unpowered state is pretty far off bad and would logically encourage the use of its cleave and power concerning blessings to be a strange alternative sword weapon. it does have 4 targets hit instead of the 5/6/7/8 the others do. but the power state is worth dumping both blessings into more, and just focusing on that.
I’ve been using the power sword to make good on this Hotspot bug and it is very effective with a free always active Sunder -the armor hitmass cleave attribute, if you hit weakspots. I haven’t even been powering it up much to fight hordes…but this is obviously exploiting a bug to make essentially 3 melee weapon blessings.
I’ve used various other shovels, combat axes, duel swords, etc. to get veterans up to the 2500 level, but I still feel it is more powerful than that, even with the disadvantages of the power sword.
Regardless of the strength of the weapon, many find the special action tedious and annoying.
It is certainly unnatural that the shock maul is always charged while the power sword is not clothed in energy.
PS feels like a perfect “win more” weapon with great to decent ttk across the board and easy access to armor hit mass ignoring blessing. could be considered busted if it had any finesse damage outside of block attacks on a class that needs heavy stamina perk/curio investment AND knife/DS didnt exist
right, there is a lot of mechanics and very complex to not understand how to use it, charging it up with the special attack 24/7 to melt everything.
didn’t know the actual weapon was residing in the special attack.
which by design, there isn’t any weapon like PS where most of the run, you have to use special attack 95% of the time to actually use it. the biggest complaint was more about how actually is pointless to use it without its special attack. the design of it, could been way more enjoyable.
nobody using it to crushers or even hordes without the special attack. which makes the unempowered version of the weapon “not interesting” because never ever used. everyone always feel the urge to use the special attack always. for any type of enemy.
which is not the case for many weapons, because each melee special attack has a reason, and logic behind etc. and it’s not spammy as PS because you have to do it in order to get the “real” weapon.
try that in a very big horde in a game… they will destroy you (not to blast) but because it’s thanks to the special attacks that they won’t even able to reach you.
I don’t say you should never use it. I say that you don’t need to use the special every times. And actually, a lot of players think that you HAVE TO activate the special. And this is wrong.
meanwhile with crucis, i know when it’s better to charge or not, depending the target. and also because the weapon itself is good also without special attack
even if i have a crusher in front, i wouldn’t start spamming special attacks etc. like ps would because it’s their only way out