Do orange/red traits apply to bots? How about item stat bonuses?

Want to know if i can use the block for 50% damage if only traits work or the crit for 20% attack speed if its possible to stack some crit on bots with items also.

Yes. They are as you equip them. I force all mine to use NB.


I need to do that… playing some deeds with a friend lastnight and our Kerillian bot was a straight up health item vacuum. She even gulped down two health potions back to back, because apparently being at 80% health from the first one wasn’t good enough…?! Typical elf.

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Thanks that makes running with bots a lot more enticing.

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Yea leveling them helps a ton also i main keri so that is the only 30 i have the rest are 25 so i can use all of the talents also. So talents, traits, and stats makes for decent bots.

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That’s exactly why haha they’re the f’in worst. On the plus side, NB synergizes pretty well with WS and IB, and decently so with FK/Merc. Imo they’re by far the best bots to have anyways.

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Also worth noting is that the talent that a couple of the heroes have of “Take 50% reduced damage when disabled” also applies while they’re on the ground dying, so that trait is worth having on those bots if you’re having them run that particular career.


Yeah I first took that on Sienna just because the other two talents were useless to me and it’s pretty fantastically effective.