Difficulty spike

Myself and two friends hopped on last night and we were running a Heresy. The random was a Psyker, nice guy. We all got along and were joking and enjoying the game. But about 2 minutes into the game the difficulty just ramped up to extreme. And this wasn’t a High or Low intensity map. I mean 3 Crushers, 4 Bulwarks, 3 Reapers, 6 ragers, 10 -12 Gunners and Shotgunners. 2 Trappers, 3 Mutants, and 2 Hounds. and that’s not including the scores of standard gunner scum and melee scabs. I was going to say something but didn’t want to whine about it. After the match the Psyker messaged me and we were laughing about how tough the run was. He agreed that the difficulty seemed that it had been beefed up a notch or two. But it’s Heresy so we figured it was just a tough mission and let it go.

One of the other two friends wanted to get some decent Diamantine so we did a Malice mission so we could scour the map and get the full 65. But as soon as we drop into the streets there’s 2…no 6…no 8 ragers, 6-10 gunners and shotgunners, and scores of regular shooters, then around the corner comes 2 Bulwarks, a Reaper and 2 Crushers, then a horde, 3 hounds and 2 mutants. And again this is not a High/Low intensity mission.

I couldn’t help wondering, “Hmmm Maybe we pissed FatShark off and they’ve decided to up the difficulty to get some revenge! lol” Wasn’t sure if anyone else had noticed a difference over the last week or so. Appreciate the input.

Was this on a specific map ?

Not quite sure how to tackle the rusty/sandy slums on Relay Station TRS-150 and (especially) Refinery Delta-17. This is a large open area where any horde will grab mass ambiant, plus the spawns and LoS are a bit creative.

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Actually it was the rusty/sandy slums with the big open areas! It’s the mission where you go destroy the pathogen.

Yes, same that is the refinery one.

Spawns are a bit weird around the elevator and on top of the rusty slums section. Before the drop, you can brain burst ennemies but not shoot them with range. Unless you stand on the fence, your shots wont hurt them.
It is better to wait and let them come to you before dropping. But that does not solve everything, because some spawns seem to appear once you drop (or at least you cannot lock onto them with psyker brain burst).
Additionally, they also spawn above you, and will shoot through the floor.

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YES! Totally this! We dropped down and all of a sudden they were everywhere, just non-stop coming out of the spawn doors and dropping from the higher levels.

Ok so it’s not so much the difficulty of the game, so much as just that area has bad spawns. Appreciate it amigo!

Yes that map is known for glitchy spawns. I reported a specific instance of it here Enemies appearing right next to players out of nowhere -- is this intended? but it happens in multiple spots on that map, especially in the slums section – tons of enemies appearing out of nowhere. It makes that map really hard to run just because it’s impossible to size up encounters.

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I would be curious if anyone has an advice on how to approach this section, because it can end a run, especially without voice chat.

So far what we try is wait before dropping, brain burst or shoot from the right fence what we can

And try to push for the left side corner of the map, on the platform with the long ladder to make a hold here (space is enough to move and range ennemies struggle to find a LoS).

But it is a long shot.

We also try to be careful before opening the vault door at the bottom, because this area can be filled with ennemies and those who find a TP door can exit from this building behind.

Specials also tend to spawn behind you at this point, and both of these can be tricky especially when combined with the DH spawn in front of the door.

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Personally I’ve had the most luck staying as far left as possible. There’s glitchy spawns in that area but all the shacks etc provide decent cover. The slope on the right is just too open imo.

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There are at least three sections on that map I can think of where the difficulty can spike as you end up pulling enemies from multiple levels or exit a lift with a lot of doors around an area with existing spawns.

It is also one of the more buggy maps where it comes to buggy item spawns, invisible walls (one instance) and getting stuck in terrain etc.

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are you crazy? this type of thing (if it was real) would be a gift from fatshark not revenge. the current game is just way too easy and to have increased difficulty would be a much needed addition to the game.

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Masochist! lol

there is many people who know that damnation high intensity is just too easy with 4 competent people. its even doable as just 2 skilled players. its not fun when the game isnt challenging enough

Oh I know. I’m just old and have slow reaction times. lol

Ah that spot is the “pug killer” ( I just did this spot too just now), if you rush it odds are you’re toast in a random group.
This was causing many a wipe since week 1; I think it’s intentionally designed to be a pressure point. The reverse layout of this map has it too but slightly different, had a damnation vet brainlessly run ahead and pull all the crushers+ragers and cause a wipe last night.

Don’t drop too soon (as you said) and clear out as many elites and shooters as you can, then proceed cautiously while not being too close to edge so as to not get knocked off, or getting boxed in.
Helps to have some CC for those large clusters of crushers, bulwarks and ragers.
This is a perfect example of where wasting valuable resources like grenades or charges on trash will come back to bite you in the arse.

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