Difficulty above damnation

As the title suggests, do we think FS will release a level above damnation?

well potentially,

it depends on demand and what they have planned mainly.

the community is small, and damnation is already lowly poulated once more people move up, there’s potential that we gonna see new difficulty.

Tbh I wouldn’t mind it but it would also be kinda boring if it was just “things have more hp, damage, and there are more enemies” and nothing else.

I’m more thinking along the lines of maybe improving the abilities of existing enemies or giving them extra kit like smoke grenades or other tools / arming enemies with different weapons over just more damage.


I’m hoping something like chaos wastes gets added once FS have finished polishing this game a bit

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I do think they should do more dmg aswell as those things that you’ve mentioned

Unlikely, beyond new conditions. Mod support is coming/is here(?) so I bet we will see this being addressed as in V2.

actual content mods are quite unlikely because all the important bits are serverside (unlike V2)
what they reffered to in the mod policy update is mostly UI related stuff

Bring back twitch mode.

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Darktides Monsters are so boring.

The Ogryn is a weak Rat Ogre and the Slug is just an ammo sponge. I wouldn’t say no to a twitch mode, but I also don’t really see the benefit of having one. (The slug also has some nasty pathing issues in the areas it spawns in. I don’t even wanna see what happens if it appears in areas where it doesnt usually belong. Actually… Maybe I wanna see.)

A new difficulty would be nice. Or a new modifier. VT2s deathwish mod ramped up every enemies stagger resistance. Having enemies run through flamers, or being unable to be shoved will spice up things nicely.

Big agree. We saw the chaos spawn in one trailer, may as well bring that back at least.

Most likely at least a year after the original launch. I am expecting the devs to unlock weapon modifiers past 80% when the new difficulty comes around.

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Yes to both, but integrate it into the current game and mission structure so there is no separation of the playerbase and the base game just gets better.

More random events or parts of missions that alternate like those three bridges where two collapse.
Modifiers to enemy bosses and enemy specialists / elites on difficulty Heresy and Damnation.
1 on Heresy, 2 on Damnation.

Stuff like that. The more creative and outrageous, the better.

I think the way I would do a difficulty above damnation is just make it everything is the same as damnation damage and hp wise but make groups normal size but more specials mixed in.

Now make disabler specials spawn in packs of 4 every time a new horde spawns.

All gunner groups have 3 bulwarks spawned with them.

All poxwalkers spawns have 8 maniacs

Ogryn spawns are always have 3 crushers 3 bulwarks and 3 reapers with 10 maniacs with them.

I don’t think increasing the gunner spawns would be a good idea because it would be harder but less fun.

Poxers and regular guys can have regular spawn rates since you want your game to not lag but the specials need to be everywhere.

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