How easy it is, entirely depends on the cost balancing. Again (as always) you bring the argument „but you will have what you want too quickly“, which is the dumbest bs i have read today.
Regarding the second part:
Oh nooo…
No longer needing to constantly craft a new weapon, which then goes straight in the garbage because it turned out worse than the weapon i already have…
No more mountains of freshly crafted, but obsolete items…
No more mountains of ressources that you burn through, without getting anything out of it.
Just imagine the horror of not constantly having your time wasted and your inventory cluttered with garbage.
„The same“ as in „good“ or „what i want“?
Sounds good to me.
Please stop it with your input on crafting.
You are a lost cause.
And that’s exactly what I said numerous times… This game is made for hard core gamers. This game has not found lot of hard core gamers… in fact, the player base has fallen.
And I firmly believe that it is due to the time you need to craft something good. What I mean by this “time needed to craft something good” include tries, time to find a good base and also the missions to collect resources. The time needed is insane.
So, yes we are agree on this.
What I say is that I often read:
“I have spend 2 m at Brunt and did not get something good”
True… you should even avoid Brunt… and if you want a good base weapon, Brunt is surely the shop to not use.
“I can’t find any T4”
Try to craft something valuable, so a 375+ weapon.
“I can’t get the perfect weapon, there is always something that is not T4”
maybe you should lower your ambitions… a weapon with not everything at T4 is not a crap.
Well, we disagree.
I can see two interesting systems with the outcome you described.
First one is simple, easy and I would not be against. Simple screen where you choose freely your gear.
Second: a slow weapon progression that will take you lot of time to achieve the perfect weapon. Well, must say that I would stop to play such game immediately. I hate such progression system and it would be, for me, a big problem.
But if it is only lock removal (and not all the part about the possibility to reach 100% on a weapon), well I think it would just kill all what is around the missions.
Well, must say that all these scenarii are not a good option in my opinion.
I can say the same about you… you will need how many years to understand that locks are the main feature of their crafting system and that it is here to remain? we’re close to celebrate the first one.
If your input is only asking to remove them, then your input is totally useless.
But, if you have ways to ameliorate the system, without wanting to rewrite the game or remove one central feature, then you could be useful to make this game better.
the thing you fail to see is that DT is actively driving away (your definition of) hardcore gamers.
no one who is willing grind for hundreds of hours, is looking for rng systems, they seek games where the time spent is rewarded, or allows you to set yourself apart from those who don’t invest this time.
“wow that mount exists only 2000 times, how did you get your hands on that”-- every mmo ever.
no one is noticing the difference if the random guy in your lobby had a 500score weapon or 530 or 550 weapon.
it almost never matters for the user itself. having one or two 2% in any weapon stat is almost never changing a single engagement in any way.
so the entire lootsystem has no bigger value for (your definition of) hardcore gamers, it doesn’t allow you to grind for weapons that gives you leaderboard worthy gear.
it doesn’t allow you to collect novelty items.
it doesn’t allow you to collect prestige items.
all it is is for people to complete the OCD, that a weapon is finished or has round numbers.
the problem of having the gear we want with the blessings we want so we can get off the hamster wheel and just enjoy the only good part of this early access VT2 clone the missions themselves
I agree with what you said.
I would not define me as a hard core gamer, but more a DT lover that made me play it like a hard core gamer (and has brought its problem with the family).
I can see the problem for hard core gamers. Personally, I use the best I can. I have spent lot of missions with just average weapons and even thinking it was a good weapon (that’s what happens when you play 5 chars). The difference is really so small, than it is not really noticeable.
However, we have a part of players that think they need the perfect weapon, normal players that have difficulties to get a good weapon, casual players that can’t achieve anything in the game, and some hard core gamers bored.
Must say that I like the fact that there is small differences between a good and a perfect weapon.
However, actually the partisans of the “locks removal” are in favor of a system where you could get easily a perfect gear. So, at the contrary of what you describe as developments needed for hard core gamers.
I think that removing locks will kill a lot of the game. I also think that this game has failed to find a strong public of hard core gamers. So, I think that they should try to enlarge the player base by making easier the game of normal and casual players. Maybe I am wrong, but there is obviously a problem with the player base, isn’t it?
If there is such a small difference between a good and a perfect weapon, would removing locks change that much? Would people stop playing as soon as they achieved the perfect weapon, or would they not simply stay due to the gameplay being awesome?
If I was drowning in good base weapons I’d would not, personally, be that bothered by the locks. But the locks, and the time that is needed to get certain blessings are not hurting the people who already played for hundreds of hours, it just hurts the new players coming in. And when we don’t really know when new content will be coming and just removing the locks, which is a big gripe to many, would be a easy way to mitigate some of the annoyance with the games lack of content.
Making the game, and by that I mean the crafting and weapon acquisition easier, would that not be a a good way to make sure that casual players can pick up the game for a few hours and feel that they’ve made progress? Sure, they might not play for long, but if they have a favourable experience with the game it’s not impossible for them to return when/if we get a major content update?
The small margin doesn’t mean no margin at all.
Wanting a better weapon is what push a player to craft something.
If locks were removed, it is so easy to get the T4 blessings that we would all use just one weapon that we would rebless every time we want to change. This would make pointless all what they have built around, shops, resources etc… so even the Morningstar would be just an useless level.
That’s exactly what I propose… but without removing locks cause I don’t think that they will remove them.
If you propose only one thing and you don’t get listened to, maybe you can propose something else? Maybe they have reasons to not go for the proposal?
As I said earlier, people that ask for the lock removal fail at pointing what is the problem that they want to be addressed. Nobody can explain, really, what is the problem.
Won’t repeat what I said, but you can find excellent weapons in the current system and you can win in any difficulties with the weapon you can craft actually in DT, and easily.
So, again, what is the problem? when you answer this question, you will see that there is not only one solution.
We still would have one of each weapon, which counting variants would be still quite a hefty selection to go through. And it is not impossible, just improbable, to get the god rolled weapons now, would that not also lend itself into people just using one weapon?
The Mourningstar is close to useless already, as a social hub it does not really promote being social to other players. Others have made good suggestions on how to improve it, but if all it is doing is being another waste of time while you do an hourly check on the shop it is not worth keeping.
If Fatshark only cares about people spending time to grind for gear, you could do as others have said, just making it a soft lock. A way to break the lock once and make it a resource to aquire, a “key” item, if you will. And added together with existing resources you could break a lock for that one reroll. If those items then where hard to aquire, you’d still have room for sidegrade items to exists until you get all you need to make that one sweet god rolled item.
I use 10 combat axes on my zealot (just acquired one from Merk, so now I have 10). all are different. If I keep them, it is cause locks exist.
I fully agree with you that social tools of DT are just… a joke.
And I agree about the hourly check… that’s why I proposed something to make Brunt’s armoury something we could actually use.
I don’t think that’s their plan. I think you should look at the VT2 development (that I know really bad and have only read here what I know about it).
I think that we will get, one day, red weapons with a similar system like in VT2.
I also think that salvage will come… I suggested it, but this is a matter of time in my opinion and already planned. It was there in VT2, it will surely come in DT (but they are busy with Xbox…).
I doubt they will go for soft lock, but soft lock is not something that would break entirely the system they have built. Here, that’s up to them to see if it is needed. However, the balance between an exaggerated cost and something strong enough to dissuade a player to change it every days (or even every week) would surely be hard to find. Also, I would imagine that they would allow you to soft unlock just one more blessing/perk, leaving one perpetually locked.
The new crafting isn’t significantly better than the old, and is in fact worse than what I was expecting, and I was still expecting BS.
I thought at the very least, both perks would be fully unlocked, and one blessing would be unlocked, leaving a single blessing as layered RNG. The system Fatshark is implementing is simply letting players pick their poison. It’s bad.
Just fully unlock the crafting, Fatshark. Stop shooting yourselves in the foot.
The problem, IMO, with the proposed update to weapon crafting is that it barely changes anything. It is a little more flexible, but it seems like such a small improvement that I have to ask if it was even worth the dev time (this was the first thing that popped into my head, reading the changes )
EDIT: and I say this as someone who doesn’t really give a damn about locks being in the game or not. I’m enjoying playing the game, the equipment is secondary to that.