Dev Blog: Into the Maelstrom

You contradicted yourself. An open forum is not obligatory, hence you’re not required. By being open, it’s by default: voluntary. Thus, all of our comments here are voluntary.

Anyways, thanks for explaining your stance on Curios better. Appreciate it. Happy posting.

FS, JUST REMOVE THE DAMN LOCKS! Why is it so hard to change one obstinate employee’s mind. That is all it takes.


You’re lying again. Anything 375 or even 380 can and will roll double T2 blessings. You have a really low chance of a T4 blessing, and a good chance of a T3 blessing. Perks will routinely roll T2. Stop making stuff up to pretend the crafting system is fine.



Yeah getting blessings is easy right?

That’s almost like saying: “Yeah this game runs great!” Specs: ACTUAL Nasa supercomputer LMFAO


I literally just got the last T4 blessing Ogryn has access to (thunderstrike on the shield lmao) and my best melee is 549 power maul with infested. I wish the other posters with 1000+ hours would stop pretending this is a good working system.


“This is fine” trolls have existed for a long time. This is what they do.


Woohoo! The group and I are excited for this patch, we’re all buzzing about it haha looking forward to how it feels, thank you! Wondering how this will also impact currently locked items :thinking:

they’ve said this already: those locks are staying.

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So, you say like me… the time needed to craft IS the problem.

And on this, there are several solutions. And not exclusively the atomic bomb of removing the locks.

I suggest you propose improvements of the current system… yes, it is not a good system. However, I don’t think that they will create a total new system. And yes we agree that they should have rewritten the system before releasing the game. But, we are here now.

We will surely get, one day, red weapons. But I guess that this part of their road of development, and not for tomorrow.
By this time, I would like that they address the “time needed to craft problem”. They obviously did not with the current tweaks that they propose to us.
They have solved the problem of curios as it will be easier to get interesting curios with 3 perks that you will choose. But, for weapons, the change is good, as you will be able to test whatever blessing combo you want to test and that it will allow more freedom, but surely not enough to solve the problem of the crafting system, at least in my opinion.
Fact is you can get whatever you search, you only need time. And as I said, this is also the problem for any normal player and even worse for a simple casual player. As this game needs more players, I think that they need to also address the problem of the time needed to craft a weapon, so the time needed to get a good base, and the time needed to collect the resources.
That’s why I propose something that would permit to get more materials. It would allow to craft more weapons, and so statistically player will find a good weapon soon enough. If you think to the change they propose, it is a good step in the right direction as it can permit you to change both blessing of a weapon.
Also, I proposed a tweak of Brunt’s armoury a guarantee to get a 360+ after 5 purchases, and a 370+ after 10. That’s cause actually Brunt’s is not a good way to find a good base weapon, and also cause checking every hour a shop is time consuming.

not my fault if players try to do it the wrong way… I even explained how I crafted my best weapons… and to say it, once I have discovered how it works, things were really easy.
Craft weapons with modifiers close to 380… you will assurely find T4 blessings. Also, Merk’ shop is incredible to find the blessing you need. But, sure, you need to complete contracts…

So, once again, half-ass solutions, exactly as I expected. I’m laughing here cause, at this point, I can accurately guess what they will say or do in the patch notes/dev blogs about the issues presented by the community. And they didn’t disappoint! Oh the irony!

Don’t really care about the locks (even if they did exactly as I thought they would, meaning: nothing!, they will never bend and give what players want, might as well just give up), but the Mission Board, I had a tiny bit of hope to be honest, that at some point they would give us the ability to choose what we wanted to play (map, conditions etc), but with these changes now, you can forget about that too.

They probably will never touch it again (they only did it cause of months of complaining). Even though it is a somewhat improved version of the current mission board, it still forces me to play what they want not what I want to play. People gonna still need apps to check if the map/condition they want is available, which is pathetic.

Anyway, no reason to complain anymore, won’t solve squat! Good night and good luck!

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Can I get an Amen!


Having reread this again…
It’s another kick in the teeth.

We had two changes on crafting items before. This is not new.

The change is bullcarp.

How often before this did you get two t4 blessings or two t4 perks on a high base roll? Exactly.

And now we can choose whether to change 2 blessings or two perks? It’s the same carp.

Unlock all our gear, then do this. Otherwise it’s just more forced playtime.

FS decide
Is your game the mission play, or the crafting.

I’m done otherwise.

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As long as the chance to get what we want, is ~1%, it does not matter how many materials we get.
They could give us 100k of all ressources for every single mission we complete and it would still be awful.

It is not only the time spent to get something good.
In the current state of crafting, nearly every second of time spent interacting with the crafting system is an awful experience.
Almost every single item that we upgrade turns to crap.
Low chance rng is simply terrible and has to go.
Preferably by giving us the tools to deterministically choose EVERYTHING about our items (for a cost).

Both perks, both blessings (effect and tier) as well as the ability to upgrade all item modifiers to 100.

I am in a good mood, so here is a new attempt at solving the crafting issues:

  • all modifiers of an item can be upgraded to 100 (costs diamantine; price increases with modifier level)
  • both perks and blessings are locked by default, but the slots can permanently be opened for customization (first slot is cheap, 2nd slot is more expensive, 3rd slot is more expensive, 4th slot is very expensive)
  • each perk and blessing can be “learned” for each weapon family; learning is accessed via the catalogue from which they are applied to a slot; learning T4 perks and blessings should be expensive
  • in addition to the “extract blessing” function that we already have, there should also be an “extract perk” function; just like the “learn” functions, the “extract” functions add a perk/blessing to the catalogue of accessible options, but “extracting” takes the perk/blessing from an existing item at no cost
  • swapping out perks and blessings should cost nothing (once they have been unlocked and the slot has been opened for customization); perks and blessings should be integrated in the loadout menu
  • salvaging an item should grant plasteel and/or diamantine (ranged weapons grant more of one, melee weapons grant more of the other)


  • Rng can still be used, but there is a 100% deterministic alternative.
  • It is relatively easy to get T2 or T3 variants of what you want. Getting T4 is expensive, but can be worked towards in a clear and direct way.
  • Diamantine now has a value. Dockets also have a continuous value since they can be turned into diamantine/plasteel.
  • Getting a random drop with any T4 perk or blessing has a value, since the perk/blessing can be extracted for basically free, saving the player a bunch of diamantine that they would have had to spend to unlock it from the catalogue.
  • Unlocking more slots on the same item gets more expensive, so already having a good stat on the item by default, is good. Also, it incentivizes to make smart decisions when it comes to choosing the order in which slots are opened up.
  • No item is ever bricked. Everything can be turned into something good, with enough investment. All investment has a 100% certain outcome.
  • Perfect items are obtainable without any annoying RNG.


Yes ofc, it’s everyone else who doesn’t do the full RNG progression right, my f*cking bad, you’re right!
As if there is a way to do RNG correctly, get the hell out of here with that nonsense.

It’s totally not you who’s actually delusional and threw so many hours at the casino that you actually won and is now proclaiming that: “the RNG is not so bad guys / you’re just not doing it right, play an unholy amount like me, it’s not hard”

Genuinely, what’s your damage man?


I do not understand why you refuse to accept that locks have created a divide between players and game designers, and that this is a problem. It’s as-if locks were your baby or something. Let go, man.

But if that’s the only thing you will understand, I will respond to your sophism about “real” problems.

Problem: Players are very frustrated at the effort required to obtain the equipment they want to experiment with. Especially because this is unbounded due to the random nature of the system and compounded by locks put it place by game designers.

Solution: Remove locks. Effort compounding eliminated. Players less frustrated.


The thing that frustrates me the most is that this is the opposite of their stated intentions.

They said they wanted less randomness, they made it more random.
They said they wanted the hidden potential of weapons to be unlocked, you’re never going to keep your early weapons because they’re universally garbage by the time you hit the level cap so why bother upgrading them?
They said they wanted there to be player choice and even now the most impactful parts are artificially restricted and you can’t choose large parts of them.

Like, what kind of cognitive dissonance must be going on with the people who designed this?


The kind that hires a mobile game dev to make a non mobile game and thinks it’s the greatest idea they have ever had!


If you put your expectations too high, sure it will be less than 1% (ie perfect weapon).
If you just want an excellent weapon, like by example my revolver 379 with 1 T3 perk and 1 T4 and both blessing at T4 (hand cannon and crucian roulette), then you have a good chances to be able to get such weapon in the current system.
I have plenty of weapons like that… and no, I did not craft 100 to get one excellent… so I did not also to get good weapons.

I will translate: I want a perfect weapon and can’t live with even an excellent weapon. It is perfect or a crap. I am not sure you will get satisfied in DT. All the system is designed to make a perfect weapon something you can achieve, but really rarely.
You just have to accept that… and also, I can’t see what is the BIG problem of not getting a perfect weapon but just excellent weapons.

You have forgotten as result:

  • you will achieve the weapon you want easily and so you won’t need to craft a new weapon
  • all weapons will end the same

As I said, maybe it could be quicker to allow us to choose in a screen whatever gear we want.

No there is no way obviously…
I have ton of excellent weapons with T4 blessings, but obviously I should have played national lottery cause I would have won it at least 10 times.
Yes, there is a method. If you don’t want to listen and don’t adapt to a gaming system, you fail.
There is an easy way to get weapons with T4 blessings… if you don’t want to use it, that’s your right… but don’t expect good results.

Let’s try to explain. People says there is a problem with crafting. They point locks. But that’s not a problem. That’s one feature of the crafting system.
A problem is too much time to craft something, low chances to get a good weapon, too low quality of the weapons you can get etc…
that’s why I said that there is a confusion between the problem and one solution. People claim locks are the problem. No, this is one possible solution to their problem with the crafting system.

From my gaming experience in DT, I can say that you can test whatever you want. You can craft whatever you want. The limitation is that you will rarely get a perfect weapon.
You can easily get excellent weapons. This isn’t hard. However, my opinion is that the problem is the time you will need to spend in game to achieve that.
From everything I have read, I can’t see what is really the problem that players want to see solved. Answering this question can help to propose a solution.
Cause let’s not lie. Locks will remain, at least in DT 1. So, the question is how can we make the system better even with these locks?
My answer is, let us get more resources and give us a way to find good base weapons. If we can craft more, it will permit a normal player to find easily good or even excellent weapons. Especially if you give the players a way to get 370+ weapons.
At this quality, you have more chances to get a T4 blessing. In fact, with weapons that have modifiers close to 380, I see a lot of times a T4 blessing when consecrating to orange.

Jesus, Ralendil, you’ve been repeating this same argument for months, but this part here really annoys me.

See we both have the same kinda quality gear I reckon. We might even both have the same sort of playtime. The difference is I realise its unrealisic for people to do what I did to get my gear, and to be honest I didn’t enjoy the process of crafting, nor did I like seeing my time wasted when my crafts went wrong.

Just because some people can do mythic raids in WoW, doesn’t mean that should be the only way to get endgame gear. Its unrealistic to expect everyone to have the same patience, the same dedication, the same level of stupidity required to get “perfect” gear in the current system.


No one is entitled to get the exact weapon drop with the exact blessings/perks that they want in a game with RNG. FS does give you the ability to tweak a weapon so that it becomes a possibility. Allowing people to fully customize every aspect of a weapon immediately removes “the chase” that players get when trying to find and tweak the perfect weapon. You’ll also end up with everyone having whatever the “meta” set up is.

It sounds like FS would’ve been better off just creating 20-30 weapons with the same static rolls/blessings/perks and leave it up to people to just use them. That’s how a lot of games handle item drops. Would’ve been much easier for them and much easier for me since I wouldn’t have to keep hearing about crafting.