I can't belive the wont remove the locks

Look at this bozo claiming “nothing is really random” and “you have so many choices”

I just tried to see if i could get exactly “decimator 4” for my combat axes…

600K+ Gold and 30K Plasteel later: I got 8 Lvl 4 blessings which where 6 new ones and 2 duplicates and NONE of them were decimator 4…
these resources took months to get and they were gone in 20min and I got precicely nothing. I didn’t even get a grey that was better than what I tried to get decimator 4 for… Well 1 was better but just for sh*ts and giggles I upgraded it and what do ya know, it bricked.

Yeah I had such a choice and so many chances to get what I wanted…
F. off with this BS @SplatterCat