I can't belive the wont remove the locks

“Good talk everyone! Excellent meeting!”


I kept my eyes open for months for a force sword I wanted. Weapons with 12 blessings in their pool are brutal. The odds of getting EXACTLY what you want are so astronomically low it’s comical to even attempt it. Once you get a “good enough” weapon as a compromise any incremental progress becomes non-existent for the most part.


It is quite brutal.

To get the weapon you want you have to get a weapon that:

  • High stats
  • Perk you want
  • Is the Perk T3 at least. Ideally T4 if you’re perfectionist.
  • Blessing you want
  • Is the Blessing T3 at least. Ideally T4 if you’re perfectionist.
  • If not happy good luck next time.

Then you can have fun and swap out other Blessing and Perk, to end up with 2 blessings and 2 perks wanted AND be locked in with initial ones.

It does take weeks of playing a few hours daily to get 2-3 ideal weapons crafted per class.

So I decided craft and play with what you get until one drops at T5 reward rather than spending time at Armory. A few mins at Armory and crafting is equivalent of hours of materials/dockets lost from missions completed.

So I would rather earn gear from playing the actual missions and ignore Armory altogether. If T5 reward drops something nice, OK I’ll work with that. But I’m not going to stare at Armory screen/Crafting station all day long to play slot machine. In 5 mins of armory RNG and crafting, you can lose hours of materials/dockets earned from missions. Sounds too much like an MMO mechanic.

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It’s also the process. You can spend/waste so much time starting at hourly rotating shops, seeing if anything good showed up, especially if you’re looking for all 4 characters.

Like, especially if you’re averaging even completing a mission every ~30 minutes lets say. That means when I play darktide, to avoid all the loading screens of switching characters (which kicks me out of my strike team) I have to play the game with a browser up ( how is this good game design?) And I have to use filters to see if any new loot is worth while to switch to after every 2 missions. Then, to not disrupt my friends and make them wait I have to go through this collection I amassed, upgrade them, (oh no, first blessing/perk isn’t what I wanted, do I risk the resources on this good base to try again? I do, oh, I don’t want either, into the trash it goes I guess. I got a lot of ordo’s maybe I will spend some at brunts. Etc.). Like, easily the time I spend looking at items, breaking them down, comparing, selling, rolling perks (even with the mod), it’s an awful time sink that I could easily have squeezed another game or two out of.

And my thoughts and prayers go out to the other players without mods or knowledge of browser extensions, especially the eventual console players who won’t have mods and will likely not have browser extensions to check the stores, no perk re-rolling mod. Like if fatshark doesn’t change or fix these things before console release console players are going to be even more miffed than we are.


Look at this bozo claiming “nothing is really random” and “you have so many choices”

I just tried to see if i could get exactly “decimator 4” for my combat axes…

600K+ Gold and 30K Plasteel later: I got 8 Lvl 4 blessings which where 6 new ones and 2 duplicates and NONE of them were decimator 4…
these resources took months to get and they were gone in 20min and I got precicely nothing. I didn’t even get a grey that was better than what I tried to get decimator 4 for… Well 1 was better but just for sh*ts and giggles I upgraded it and what do ya know, it bricked.

Yeah I had such a choice and so many chances to get what I wanted…
F. off with this BS @SplatterCat


5 million dockets cap, 150K Plasteel, 3 months, 400hrs. I got to the point of getting ideal 2-3 weapons per class I only intend to use and simply stopped there.

Thereafter now I just wait for T5 rewards to collect the rest casually, which I don’t intend to use, just for collecting purposes.

It would probably take 2 years to have all weapons for all classes to be what I wanted them to be.

Web browser extensions to check the stores. It is now to the point where don’t have to log into the game itself anymore :smiley:

FatShark don’t have a big catalog of games to fallback on. Darktide is their primary to get it right.

Low player count isn’t a problem. i.e. Vermintide 2 has low player count but match making is still just few seconds. But if too low that it affects match making time then existing players will abandon it and feedback from them on this will put off new players from purchasing i.e. in steam comments.

If they want console to be success - Better have crossplay. But if they can’t implement because it is too difficult then it is missed opportunity. But if they pull that off PS4/PS5 and Xbox 3rd/4th gen will be huge combined player match making pool. Keeping match making time fast for years is also important as content.

Just hope they can pull it off. If they don’t then it isn’t the actual developers fault, it is their leadership.

Oh. Mouse and keyboard support should be added too for consoles. COD Warzone on console allows this already. Darktide involves alot of mouse whipping.


Yeah and I think most are in that boat. It doesn’t encourage people to try out new things. It actually restricts what class and weapons you use.


How about they remove the locks, but make the levels 1-4 all different and not “better vs worse”.
Removing locks just makes all lower tiers redundant (almost as per now) and I bet just leads to 95% of the playing population slotting FOTM Meta. Sure 5% of forumites would test out different combinations… for a week, then they’d all agree on a meta and that would be that til the next balance pass.

So proposed alternative: e.g. Pinning Fire

They make tier 1 pinning fire lower damage, sure, but there’s no stagger penalty. Level 4 has higher damage, but has a stagger penalty. And the levels in between have different balances.

That way you have to choose where you sit on a sliding scale of two characteristics. All out one way (low unlock default) vs all out the other … with a middle ground between.

That way unlocking a lvl2 blessing from brunt or whatever isn’t pointless.

Sure it upsets the balance at Melks, but he’ll have to re-price based on the unusualness of the blessing and the base stats.

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I wouldn’t be opposed to differing tiers of blessings having different side grades. Like how the marks are right now for weapons. Main thing would be a lot more balancing needs to happen, they struggle with it right now.


ya well take this one step at a time: dont upgrade for a blessing, get the blessing then upgrade a weapon for it. and on god, it dosnt matter if something is lvl3 it dosnt matter if the weapon is 365 rating, hell, dawg you arnt going to loose a damnation match because you had a lvl2 blessing. trust me, I have made it thru matches with out lvl 4 blessings. its JUST a flex.

now destroy me with facts and logic and ill continue with the next step.

ohkay so you have a good wepon, and another grate blessing drops form Emp gift or malk for another wepon, are you going to jsut throw it away because “I don’t use that weapon.” because when i say its easy, I mean surly SOMETHING good drops every day.

It’s RNG, your experience can be, will be and is different to someone else.


With enough rolls, the rolls will even out over time. I don’t think it’s the individual rolls that make the difference, but the player expactation.

Some people behave like playing a tabletop RPG, and only critical successes making them happy. Doesn’t sound like a fun experience, but might not be the games fault. :man_shrugging:

Tabletop RPGs have a GM that can mitigate, fuzz rolls and otherwise have alternatives available to ensure the players still have fun. What does Darktide have?


You are missing the point, none of that matters for the example. :wink:

But to stay with your image: It’s a gamegroup/campaign book that decides to start on a low level, and offer a relaxing experience with friend, where the characters progress over time. Finding better loot is nice, but not the main point of the game. (The low start and progression aspect are even in the game’s slogan: “Rejects will rise”)

And now you have some players who want to start at max power level with min-maxed gear, and want to make the game about gaining other max gear, to tryhard standardized high-challenge dungeons so the can compare their performance with other players.

I don’t think both approaches mix well. But the min-max group might not get what they want, yet ruin the player experience of the chillers group while trying.

Yes, there are definitely systems in place that are negatively affecting the experiences of both sets of players, like the crafting in general, the map selection, etc. But how would the casual player experience be any more affected if they gave an outlet for more longer term players to eventually build what they want?


Currently with locks in place it is better to ignore altogether. i.e. Just play T5 missions, if something nice drops then great, roll perk/blessing. Carry on T5 missions. But avoid armory and merk. Let the weapons come as they come as time goes by.

I know people want max optimisation, but shouldn’t be at the expense of not enjoying the game. Spending time not playing the actual missions and staring at melk, armory and craft is something I want to spend minimal time. The missions are more fun.

Most people just have 2-3 ideal weapons per class, not complete ideal collection. No point collecting all if they’re going to stick to certain weapons to use anyway.

That’s the casual way to play.

welcome to desperate DT players club


It is, it is a matter of belief and ego for the game designers who doubled down behind the RNG in Darktide, when before the release their marketing claimed they “heard our feedback about level of randomness in itemisation/crafting in Vermintide 2”. It is a big massive F…CK YOU towards Tide playerbase.

I can live with certain levels of RNG, as some people think its important for feeling of progression, so stuff like RNG weapon base score is fine to certain degree. However the way perk/blessings system work does not respect people time and is frankly feels malicious by design.


I don’t think think this is accurate. I have been GMing Pathfinder for years. It’s really more about the narrative and fun in being able to choose what you want and do interactive story telling as a group.

And while dice rolls and individual moments are random your build is not.

Imagine playing DnD or Pathfinder where your attributes, spells, feats, and gear were all random. No point looking at multi-class builds or what feats synergize for combat well because your GM for some reason made it so that your character is random.

No one is complaining about their D20’s not always being crits nor that every melee swing or shot in darktide isn’t a guaranteed critical.

If I want to be a level 2 slayer, level 1 sorcerer, and a level 8 rogue with 24 strenght, 14 dex, etc. and with specific melee weapons that is more equivalent to wanting specific perks and blessings on a specific weapon in darktide. Imagine all of that being random? Sure you can play table top RPGs with completely random player sheets the GM hands out but you can’t call that player agency or fun and engaging for the players nor expect them to feel connected to their characters.