Dev Blog: Into the Maelstrom

I want to buy this game, and I have since release. But I cannot and will not without a solo play mode. I don’t even care if the bots are stupid, I play basically every game solo and it’s a big shame to me that I can’t even get one from a creator I like because they don’t have something that feels like an obvious purchase.

Considering we have 100 strike team channels on the discord can we maybe have some more categories of team? That way i can join a team coded for a specific difficulty or an auric/maelstrom channel so I can join the channel knowing that everyone is looking for the same thing I am?

Key question for me, albeit 300 posts too late likely as not:

I’m 700 hours in.
Are you going to unlock all my existing stuff, then apply a 2 factor lock?

Because honestly, I am not going to keep grinding new stuff out. I’ve 700 hours of items accumulated ;either I can work on those, or I’m just not interested.

PS no one here really cares you’re working on an xbox version.


Dunno mate, I’m not a dev. I only heard this from a dev.

You’ve got my attention with all these good upcoming changes. I approve. :+1:

But what to do with an extra 20% exp on level 30?


This is the crafting ‘improvement’ you guys came up with in ALL THAT TIME. Effectively nothing… RNG CIRCUS still reigns supreme here. This is so embarrassing. I cannot possibly recommend to my fellow thousands of players who quit the game due to crafting alone, full-stop nonsense RNG & locks, to return to the game. I certainly will NOT be returning for this abrasive kind of deflection of a root game design problem. Whichever game designer or whoever it is who still thinks locks is ‘improving’ the over all game and player experience needs serious help and a massive psych evaluation stat.


I feel like I got duped into believing there was true change coming to crafting. Suppose I will continue with my weapons unless the RNG gods bless me with something new to try. But the other changes look great. The more hard missions the better. I’ll hold my opinion on the mission board thing because from the description and my experience with the game it sounds like change, (most likely for the better,) but does not sound promising. Thanks for the improvements though.

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You technically still level and it’s connected to ‘gifts from the emperor’ rewards. Or was. Is that still connected or is it random now? There’s mods that can tell you how many times you rolled over past 30 though, and I think you have to hit the next roll over for a gift.

Might be off on that… but I think that’s it.

Excess xp still does nothing. Emperor’s gifts are guaranteed after every successful mission, modifiers and secondary missions ostentiably increases the quality.


Maybe they should just release reds already. You get reds from maelstrom missions. They are always max base value and all perks and blessings are always max tiers.

And “selling” a red, like in VT2 gives you a resource to upgrade oranges to reds, maxing out their tiers.


Dang. Well, there goes that theory.

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They provide nothing but dockets and the occasional good blessing. Once they only provide dockets its very lacklustre tbh. If you got something like V2s dust system for bartering them you could gain some sense of progression for the otherwise useless gifts.

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brosgow, I humbly thank you for the welcome fellow Crusader.
May the Emperors light guide you always.

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If locked weapons are guaranteed to remain locked

Then what’s the word on locked curios? Do those stay locked or are the locks on those getting reset? If one lock is getting removed than what determines which lock stays?

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With a 375+, you have chances to get a T3, good chances to get a T4 and a marginal chance to get a T2 (never seen such situation).
In fact the quality has a big impact on what you can obtain as blessing or even perks. This is clearly established by the tests I made.
Let’s say it, I don’t keep anything below 370 to craft it.

1300 hours.
That’s why I say that the main problem is the time you need to get what you want.
But, you did not point what you think is the main problem…

Ok… please read…

I proposed several solutions, one that needs to redo entirely the system, and the other one that is just a tweak of the current system (what I quoted). I perfectly know that the system I would love has no chance to be implemented… that’s why I push for the little changes. Cause it is obvious they don’t want to remove the locks, and I think that there is good reasons for this (that I already pointed)

You made threads about changing entirely the system… something they won’t do. On the same topic, I guess that they won’t redo entirely the system… also, I guess that they want a sort of weapon progression, in other words, a system where you could always ameliorate your weapon. So, the system is, on purpose, not done to get the perfect weapon.

There’s a big confusion between the problem and a solution.
Lot of “players” point a solution (remove locks) as if it was the problem (the “locks” themselves).
Once you point the real problem, you can propose solutions… here I can only see people begging for one solution without even defining what is their problem.
As I said, there’s two problems in my opinions, and plenty of solutions…

Don’t expect any meaningful changes until the player counts hit absolute rock bottom.


The straw that broke my camel’s back was upgrading a few 375+ weapons to orange and getting multiple T2 blessings IN A ROW.

Your experience is not my experience. How do I make that any more clearer to you? I did not, I do not and I will not have the same experience as you do with the crafting because it’s all RNG with still unmitigated wild swings and everybody gets a different experience whenever they interact with it.

What you think you get does not invalidate the experience I have with the system and what that system has given me resulted in me uninstalling the game.

Your 1300 hours of playtime have skewed your perceptions so badly you have forgotten what other players have and will go through with the crafting and itemisation as it is now.

Your suggestions and solutions based in your fervent belief that fatshark won’t make any drastic changes to the crafting is poisoned by the fact you think you have everything you want. Don’t think your standards are anyone else’s standards.


Pick one.


I have a couple of weapons that are like this, but that’s not saying much. That’s why I think the added function of changing two perks or two blessings is a lateral change at best.

Considering that the vast majority of us don’t have any or maybe a couple of weapons that managed to roll two ideal blessings or perks, still highlights the problem with the current RNG system: The percentage chance is simply too low; it’s obvious that it’s a fraction of a 1% chance considering how many us don’t have a perfect anything.