Dev Blog: Into the Maelstrom

goal = fun gameplay

horde shooters never needed a grind


So you’re the human equivalent of the monkeys that have their hands over their eyes and ears, but not their mouth.


It gives the opportunity to everybody to test a blessing combo as you will be able to pick freely a combination of 2 perks or blessings.
I think that this was the goal. So it makes easier to get a good weapon. it doesn’t make easier to get an excellent weapon however.

Then tell me what is the problem you want to be addressed.
All what I’ve read is “locks locks locks”. This is not a problem but a game concept.
And as I said, once you determinate what is the problem, you can think to the solutions

Like you I also have a hard time seeing Fatshark abandoning the lock system, but I did have some hope that maybe they would. And what we did get was a… sidegrade to the crafting system, which I kinda expected, but I did belive for a few seconds when I was reading about Auric-level missions that they would do something similiar to what I mentioned before. A way to aquire “Auric keys”, a weapon with all the right bars and four of these keys to unlock all the perks and blessings for one reroll each to make a god rolled weapon.

The keys would then have only been able to be found from Emperor’s Gift, and doing harder missions and side objectives would give a better chance to get them.

it can be, WWZ character prestiging
aka end game

That could be their project and this patch a stone of the wall… as I said, sooner or later we will have some sort of red weapon…

i dunno, just read literally any complaint about it that has been posted over the last 8 months. Are you purposely ignoring complaints, or just trolling?


he means to say the problems have already been addressed

and our complaint is that their solution ignores the problem, so while it has been addressed, it’s not fixed.

ehh to each their own

yes, it’s subjective. and 95% of players subjectively dislike the locks.


95% of my braincells are made of pure testosterone

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Fun gameplay matters, and so does new content, but there’s still something about having a light at the end of a tunnel to walk towards.

This is why so many games do constant events, login rewards, and most importantly new content, even if it’s small, every few months.

Making us grind forever to get a perfect weapon is the laziest goal imaginable, and right now they think that’s the only goal they have to dangle. This suggests that someone with power is excessively unimaginative…

…but this is also how businessmen who do NOT understand art and entertainment think. “This worked once so we have to do it again!” It’s why so much entertainment is the same rehashed slop. They think they can sell entertainment like lightbulbs, and they can’t. IT has to stay fresh.

They read somewhere, likely in one of the trade publications, “players need goals” (Which is partly true, it helps us keep grinding) and they didn’t get that it has to be NOT ANNOYING and a lot of other things to actually work.


That is the problem, we don’t really know what they have planned or the reasoning behind their decisions and what they may have planned might also come to late to really have an effect on player retention.

how does it go again?
something something not about the destination?

As I said, people have complained about the difficulties to find good weapons… you can get them easily and even more with this patch.
Now, several say that there is a small percentage of chance to get an excellent weapon. Let’s say that I have defied the odds like several players here… cause when you apply a method, it is easy to craft an excellent weapon… you just need resources and tries (and I have already shown that the odds are greater than a small percentage).
Several said that they cannot test what they want… now they will be able to test every blessing combo they want.
So, it is surely not these reasons. But if you don’t give the true reason to the devs, they cannot address a problem that people can’t explain clearly.

Myself, I think that there is a problem related to the time you spend at crafting weapons to get an excellent weapon. This problem can receive multiple answers… and the locks removal is one of the solutions, but the one that would hurt badly the entire game.

So, again, what is the problem for you? what do you want to see addressed by the devs?
As I said, locks are a game concept, not a problem.

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For longevity, they need good core systems to build the new content. Nobody’s going to come back for new content if they have to be subjected to the thing that made them leave the game in the first place.

Then maybe they shouldn’t have released the game half-baked if their current systems rely on other systems that aren’t implemented yet.

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Yeah that’s true, but you still need ‘something’ as a point of light in the distance, and if you don’t know what you are doing, you hide that behind RNG and think you are ‘saving the game.’

you do have a point, but only because the people that left are hardheaded, removing locks doesnt help with blessing hunting or difficulty progression, it solely makes end game gear easier to obtain

imo p sure everyone would still be interested or at least be curious about new content, which is 10 times better than what we got this update wouldnt u agree?