Defense maps: and other Imperial guards

I really would like to see DT expand on the type of missions, such as drawing inspiration from Helldivers 2; introduction of heavy weapons emplacements for defense missions.

Is there any chance that we could see a proper battleground where trenches and such would be, all the while charging with our brothers of the Krieg. This would be imo the apex experience of Warhammer. Multiple points of sabotage / defense where we could freely choose our path to,
Depending on the enemy we wish to face.

This I would like to witness.

Also, the toughness nerf to ogryn is still garbage. Please reconsider. Ogryn mains rarely venture to these forums due to malfunctioning bonehead implants so there is little feedback.


Shield with anything except the pool noodle ”shock maul” its just so boring, give me something with a blade, cleaver or sword or an ice pick or an axe. It still
Feels like trying to beat someone to death with too well done spagetti.

Hope we will get more ”full” armor for ogryn & a two handed chainaxe so we can finally be the monstrosity he is supposed to be. He needs some love regarding toughness, heavy hitter perk tree makes him too squishy. Same thing with the middle tree. Can we just have some cake and eat it, balance for balances sake is not a good direction imo. I just want him to be tanky.

Shield still is the all-around solution but the shock mace is just so boring to play with, so just please give me another shield + bladed weapon. Really I want to experince to have that brutal visceral melee that DT is all about with the best char.

Additionally, where is the slug ammo for kickback? Still waiting for it. Can you give us at least some news regarding what is upcoming.

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While we shouldn’t receive a defense mode imo, at least for awhile, I agree that there needs to be a warzone environment and missions should feel more like you’re interacting with the supposed war going on in the Hive.

Ogryn is still incredibly tanky, I would not want to see these changes reverted. Getting massive amounts of toughness back just from using heavy attacks is still insanely strong, even if it got slightly reduced. Once you get the hang of weapon movesets and positioning you are very hard to kill.

I agree the shield light attacks should have a reason to exist. It sucks the only time you use the maul part of the shield is the push attack.

Kickback doesn’t need a slug variant, it’s already practically a sniper rifle with surgical lmao


hell yeah, defending a trench with my guardsmen boiiis

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