Im just gonna leave this ogryn idea here. I think it would be legit.
(Full Credit to the original painter whom is very not me. Taken to show the weapon idea)
Im just gonna leave this ogryn idea here. I think it would be legit.
(Full Credit to the original painter whom is very not me. Taken to show the weapon idea)
Sooo… I assume you want to use the slab shield in combination with the grenade gauntlet from what I’m inferring here.
It’s cool and all but I don’t think it would work in the scheme of distinction between melee & ranged weapon slots.
no bueno imo
Melee/ranged wise I don’t think it’s an issue, as it doesn’t change the Grenadier Gauntlet’s mechanic.
But I think the reason it didn’t happen and most likely won’t is that there isn’t really a way to reload it with 1 hand, and while in 1st person they could simply move the weapon outside the field of view it would still,cause issues in the 3rd person animation
People have been wanting the navis imperialis breacher shields as well. Not too different from that.
Games workshop model for example. Its on the right.
Its not as common as a sword and pistol but a shield with a gun is not unheard of in warhammer.
I agree with you Darth, 100% these would be awesome to have and it would be cool if there was a creative implementation for these to happen.
Not to discount the idea; I just think in FS’s pov it would be moot and could be for various reason like trying to engineer the weapon set to fit into gameplay along with all the other quirks that could come with it. Let alone trying to set it apart from what a melee or ranged slot would be validated as.
Still waiting for stuff like this to happen tho:
Nah, i think you can find how to make it, probalby it’s the same reason why we can’t dual wiled gun+melee - just because.
Like you can put some ammo casket there (like on sled mechanism or something), and slide with GG to put ammo inside.
Or just you make it so GG range is extra strong but you can’t move while reloading and when reloading you can just stick GG to the shield via magnetic stripes (they exist in the lore)
Ngl, that’s a pretty good idea
It depend.
VT1 and VT2 have both had a melee weapon that had ranged added to it.
But they didn’t work the same way in either game
Vermintide 1 had a stronger pistol but had an ammo management system
Vermintide 2 had a weaker (damage wise, still great to stagger a Berserker) pistol but no ammo system.
So in the case of a “Melee+Ranged weapon kit” in the melee slot the issue is how the ranged is balanced, but on the ranged side the issue isn’t there cause you already have it in game (Lucius Lasgun and GG).
Your idea could work, but GW would have to green lit it
Yes, how it’s not a thing in DT, when melee+gun is so iconic for wh40k.
Speaking about animations, in V1 Saltz dual pistols animations was so he takes out new pistol for every shot and drops it on the ground after.
I mean it’s not rly that big of a problem. Many games has something like that - you can dual wield, but weapon damage is lower for %. Something similar like that can be here but for primary, or other things like swap speed, or you even can’t equip primary but you will have higher move speed or mobility stats overall, +crit chance, etc.
Thre is no barrier you can’t pass, it’s a matter of will and desire.
It’s one of the combos that I think would work just fine. Light and heavy attacks would just be melee as you’d expect, gauntlet punches and shield bashes. Rightclick block. Then special attack would be aiming the gauntlet, releasing special attack would fire it.
I agree stuff like laspistol/saber combos would be weird control scheme wise but for this in particular it’d work perfectly.
I think there’s no reason they couldn’t do it, VT2 had melee weapons with ranged special attacks too, and DT has ranged weapons with pretty viable melee kits.
Let’s just make grenade gaultet something different all together? A great melee / ranged hybrid weapon which is equally as good in melee as it is in ranged combat? We really don’t need more Ogryns using shield and blocking even more shoots / obstructing visibility for all.
I would say: Special to brace and then action 1 to shoot
There is a name for that. It’s called a BULLGRYN.
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