Can we have variants of the Ogryn shield with different weapons?

This isn’t some kind of big brain idea or anything, just wanted to say: It would be cool if the Ogryn’s shield could come in two or three variants that allowed it to pair up with a different hand weapon than just the club.

You could have a shield + cleaver for example, and make it handle slightly differently. All the shield strikes would be the same, but the strikes with the weapon would be faster, lower impact, higher cleave for example.

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I’d much rather the shield be a perk choice. As in, you could choose for the shield, explosive grenade box or something else, maybe give the Ogryn the ability to hold an additional deployable (so he could hold say two deployable ammo/health dispensers?). It wouldn’t be strange for him to be able to carry more equipment than

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I like this idea. Maybe a choice of active Slab Shield or passive Carapace armour (Resistance to ranged and more health?)


Would love this, the maul on tabletop is a weapon capable of slaying a space marine, in practice the maul feels like a crowd control wet noodle due to balance reasons yet the bolter is just a joke with how easy it eats things right now.

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I think the Ogryn has enough health, his toughness should get a bit of a buff so the carapace could provide say another fifty toughness.

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