DeamonHost Spawn Difficulty

ok the deamonhost could be fun, but spawning it from Difficulty one?

joined a group of friends who have just started the darktide, and just in middle of mission Deamonhost encounter, it was just on easiest difficulty.

Played later on difficulty 4 (heresy), got 5 deamonhosts in map, why? its not even the “nights out event”. sometimes they do spawn just on the path to mission.

they dont give loot, unstaggerable, unstunable , keeps attacking single player, removes stamina so fast. They dont add any fun to the mission, or benefit.

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You’re supposed to avoid fighting them. They kill you when you go down. The game doesn’t make that very clear and it’s frustrating when people aggro them, they also don’t have a very distinct sound cue like a Witch from L4D does.


Yup. Only very rarely are they in a position you can’t reasonably avoid them. You’re supposed to just go around them. Btw, it’s the same daemonhost, they just respawn if you “kill” them.
Could be telegraphed a little better. But I like the idea.
Well, it’s probably originally from L4D, that explains it. ^^

Their sound que is the ambient whispering you get before you even get into the room with them, which is pretty distinct and characters even comment on it. That you can avoid them and that its advisable to do so is definitely something that should be covered in some kind of enemy briefing though, even if its just the mission overseer telling you it over the radio when you meet one.


I was part of team that killed one so am the 0.1%

Sound changes in the release patch has made them much easier to avoid. The “talking” they do is much easier to recognize and it is easier to determine the direction. I think that’s how you’re supposed to avoid them and I think it is in a good state.

  1. they sometimes do spawn in MISSION PATH, you cant ignore/leave them be.

  2. they spawn even in difficulty one (easiest difficulty) ,yet very strong to take down.

i was joining 3 level 1 players , and am at level 24, it was good that i wasnt the guy to wake it up , because it keeps targeting the same player until its downed, therefore i could atleast do decent damage.

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Just walk around it.
Don’t look at it.
Don’t think about it.
Don’t forget to pray to the emperor.


did try to walk around it, it woke up, yeeted me and a guy, then TPed away.

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just played a match at Diff 4 (Heresy) with Low Intensity Engagement Modifier , half of map was not lootable, 5 deamonhost spawn in map.

You can usually avoid demon hosts. The biggest problem with the demon host is that the huge DPS gap between different classes and weapons becomes a real issue when you’re fighting an enemy where burning them down ASAP is the only winning strategy.

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Get an Ogryn with shield. Make sure Ogryn is the one to attack the deamonhost first. Ogryn puts the shield down and the deemonhost is just a joke. We downed it several times within a lvl 4 mission and it was just boooooring.

If you have no ogryn on the other hand you are f*ed.


thats something new to know.

we got an ogryn , but he prefer digging trenches in heretics heads with his shovel.


Shovel for heri … Hetric … Heritic head hole digging and noting else.

Maybe bashing demon with too.

Why you ask ?


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You are 1 year “early” to the discussion

Thankfully, Fatshark lessoned and reduced the demonhost spawn rate , also demonhost bacame easier to fight with new staggering mechanics and new breakpoint.

although i still hate demonhost as it blocks loot on some spots, and as in DT , we got materials to collect for the gambling RNG, but hadron contracted demonhost to not allow us to.

This thread should be locked, but just as Darktide, Hadron RNG did not affect the post.