I don’t get the logic here, I especially don’t know why they’re on the second difficulty but next time my team starts one up I’m just out.
I think they are hilarious, I love watching noobs attack them and then die.
I do as well. What I don’t like is when their sound bugs and you can’t hear them until you meander too close (as they look like a rock on the ground at-a-glance) and they start raising up. A real brown-note moment.
On the topic of the post itself, I think their difficulty scaling is bad. It’s effectively impossible to do anything except block if it’s attacking you, and it’s fundamentally a DPS race unless you’re an ogryn with a shield. It’s a bit silly as a wannabe L4D witch.
It’s fun to not help the guy who woke it up and watch daemonhost kill two.
This is the absolute ANTITHESIS of cooperation and teamplay. It is baffling that this is the best way to handle it.
One guy taking one for the team is still teamwork.
Just as fatshark intended.
Well at least I know how to “deal with them” which is just watch someone die and run away, cool design.
Honestly it’s just BS because your team is going to attack it you’re going to get a horde during it, It’s gonna wipe you unless you completely book it. They just shouldn’t be in there on the SECOND difficulty. I don’t want to deal with my team wiping because some people want the game to be needlessly sadistic.
This is why it’s mixed on steam and will be 50% off in two weeks.
This is unironically my default course of action until I see that the rest of the team is either doing big damage to it or that the person it’s attacking is dodge cheesing it.
If the current target is taking any meaningful damage I just leave them to it and make sure I’m not the next person it goes after. I mostly play shield Ogryn and I’m more confident in my ability to solo/duo the map until the next rez spot than I am in my ability to kill a daemonhost.
I think it should still be there, just that it maybe take longer to fully kill a player(or just don’t outright kill players, down two and teleport away).
I’m fine with it killing players. What I’m not fine is the relentless barrage it does where you can’t even realistically dodge to avoid it without specific weapons. It’s a small target that is incredibly fast, incredibly twitchy, loves to teleport around, and will down people incredibly fast unless they hold block, which only delays their death by as long as it takes for them to lose stamina in between dodges.
It’s kind of like the berserker (rager) units. It’s a fine concept with just very, very bad execution.
It is a punishment for a itchy trigger finger.
If you are not prepared to fight one, don’t anger it.
It doesn’t even have a reward for fighting it, its literally an obstacle you are supposed to avoid.
Truthfully they’re checks to see if you’re paying attention. If you’re prepared to fight it, then you still shouldn’t because it adds a lot of risk with zero reward. They’re a lot like the risks. They’re stage hazards more than something that you’re seriously supposed to fight.
I wouldn’t mind if the person who disturbed it was the only one that it killed, BUT it has to kill 2 people which mean someone else also has to suffer the consequence also dragging the whole team down even more.
You can dodge+slide with most weapons.
I hate how it almost always goes after two players. The decision of who to go for next seems completely opaque, too.
You could be minding your own business, clearing a horde of walkers to try and give whoever is dealing with it more room, then its target dies and it decides that YOU, you’re going to die now for no reason.
At least the L4D Witch only attacked other players if you were in her way, or set her on fire. The current daemonhost design is frustrating.
Especially when it happens 5 missions in a row.
While I agree that the daemonhost could use some tweaking when it comes to its attack telegraphy, I think it is an absolutely wonderful addition to the game. I loved the witch in the L4D series both thematically and gameplay wise, but to a skilled team, a witch wasn’t much of an obstacle at all.
This is not the case with host. Even with a well-coordinated team, you want to avoid the confrontation if possible, but you can reasonably expect to beat it if you think “defusing” it is safer than leaving it alive.
If you can concentrate your efforts, you can still beat daemonhost rather quickly on damnation, especially if the one triggering it is an Ogryn with a shield, but it is still something you want to avoid due to the corruption-aura, its brutal damage output and unrelenting pursuit of the initial attacker.
Yeah, I have to say V2 monsters were more challenging in a good way. Daemonhost is one trick pony and I just don’t find it fun after the few tries. If you have an ogryn with a shield…it just silly weak because of how limited the AI is and how broken it behaviour is in general.
This Monstertype is simply an bad designed Monster. It should be removed or massivly reworked.
If i design a Monster, which is simply there to kill one or two mates, no matter what u do, u simply have no clue of a fun or challeging gameplay
It seems that if nobody else attacks it, it only kills one and goes away.
Also doesn’t seem to aggro if you shoot it as you’re about to get in an elevator/airlock.
You can still counter daemonhost just by playing better(the one it’s targeting get better with block/dodge/slide - slide being an important part, the others get better at doing damage).
It just seems more tanky than it deserves to be.
Real problem is it’s just a waste of ammo and gives everyone nearby corruption. The damage it dealt isn’t even that bad even on damnation if you have a source of regen for toughness.