The Deamonhost was super fun for the first time and first time only

It was so cool to accidentally run into him the first time just so that he wipes out me and my friend before vanishing. Later we knew we had to sneak past and we continued to do so which was fun the first few times but the more missions with deamonhost I have played the more I disliked him. Here are some of the problems I found and my solutions to them.

  • He appears soooo many times throughout the mission. Sneaking past him once or twice is cool and satisfying but having to sneak past him 6 or 8 times or you get unfairly killed and overwhelmed is crap. Why spawn him like the plague ogryn or the beast of nurgle? The spawn would activate ahead of the players once or twice in the mission and if the players ran into him they would pay for it dearly. There you go. He’s now much more bearable and Darktide no longer plays like Metal Gear Solid lol.

  • Deamonhost is NOT fun to fight against. Quick reminder. For some reason, you decided that it was a great idea to pause stamina regeneration if you dodge. Well, what are you supposed to do here? Just accept your faith and die? I’d love to be able to dodge and block the boss for longer than 10 seconds without dying. Best case scenario we get the stamina regeneration when dodging but boy that is a topic for another time. I’m not asking to be able to solo him with just any weapon but at least make it possible to stay alive for longer and fight him a bit.

  • Players that are killed unfairly by he boss are also marked for death and then instakilled? Phew. At least give Ogryn players the ability to ram into the boss and interrupt the player’s execution with their charge. It would be very nice to be able to saved like that.

  • When very close to the deamonhost stop spawning specials. Seriously did you guys just put him in the game and were like “aight this is solid enough.”? The specials can spawn at the doors next to the boss as you’re sneaking around him and just push/throw you into the boss. This is SO frustrating. While I was sneaking out of thin air a pox burster spawned behind the door and ran into us exploding. Then the boss killed the two of us at damnation difficulty and we wiped. I can understand the hordes spawning. You get the “Awooooooooooo” sound and everyone can back off in time and prepare to defend themselves but specials spawning just like that as you’re so close to the deamonhost sleeping mat? Hell nah.

Maybe add some more dialogue regarding the deamonhost. The characters should be hushing one another and talking silently, warning other to take it slow and not to wake up the boss. The witch from left 4 dead 2 had a lot of cool dialogue. Some of which was quite funny ;D Here’s a quick video I made because I loved my first few encounters so much.

Thanks for reading. I love the effects. I love the idea. I love the atmosphere surrounding the deamonhost but I hope that I never get to see him during my games before he’s nerfed. I’d rather fight ogryns and slugs all day. Cheers.


There 10000% needs to be a way to interrupt player execution. The daemonhost seems to visibly stagger at times when you’re shooting at it with enough power, i feel like that stagger would be the perfect time to interrupt an execution maybe. Ogryn’s charge, A Sharpshooter’s grenade, a few headshots, just SOMETHING to make this not absolute torture to deal with.


I don’t think this monster should be in the game like this. I understand it’s kind of copy of the witch in Left 4 Dead but we’re not here to avoid monsters, we’re here to accomplish the emperor will and we must destroy every heretics. My point is we want to kill everything and this monster that’s so hard to kill, that spawns frequently and usually is : “on player down in the party” is not as I think the game should be played. So maybe rework it to be more killable, less spawn or whatever (btw i like the visual effects of the encounter but i think it should be a winnable hard fight…)

what I’ve read about the daemonhost so far makes it sound like Corpulent Carchadon saw the witch and went “hold my amasec… how about we make the bugger show up like 5 times on a map? Also, despite having a character who’s purpose is disruption with his special, you can’t disrupt the daemonhost! Also, like the witch, we allow him to spawn in places where you can’t get past him!”

This is one of the worst takes on the forum man. Come on. “We want to kill everything”? “We’re here to accomplish the Emperor’s will”? Who is “we” and how do you plan on winning the mission if you’re gonna ram head into a death trap?


I’m pretty sure he won’t spawn this often in the final game. This seems to have definitely been a test of the daemon host, they most likely wanted him to appear often so they could gather as much info and find as many bugs as possible.

with that being said, my initial critique of the daemon host is that I found is attack animations to be super exaggerated and almost cartoonish looking, I kind of wish his animations were more jerky and creepy looking. it would also be cool if he would force push other players away who are trying to interfere with his blood lust, or something just to make him more interesting than just a damage dealer

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btw. this was posted on Reddit just a short while ago:

Looks like a fun time.

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Only a heretic would sneak past. Only one weak of will, purpose, and faith would refuse to fight.

This is just the wrong damn game to have an enemy you’re not supposed to fight. full stop.


It’s a terrible design. It has high health, high damage, high resistance, can’t block its attacks, if you go down you will most likely die & for some reason it also teleports to you so you can’t burst it down before it gets close.

Even the the Witch in L4D could be burst down before it got close or soloed with a shotgun.

It’s still very early and we’ll need time to figure out ways to counter it and fight it, imo.
It’s also tied to a specific condition (darkness) which will only happen occasionally.

I absolutely like the concept and the encounters.
We fought (and beat) three of them in Malice difficulty with three other random players, and it’s a thing of nightmares. It feels unbeatable but it is, and it’s absolutely relentless.
Our ogryn (w/ shield) managed to tank the first one as we dealt all the damage we could together (we had two boltguns (vet/preacher) and one psyker).
The first person that gets the aggro is very important.

I think it’s very important to be ready, know if the group is actually able to destroy it efficiently (DPS/tanking/kiting), engage it only when or if we have the right conditions (clear first, no constant hordes).
(I also played with a group insisting on holding a grimoire and they rushed in - and died… we all did. No teamwork no reasoning)
The darkness is also a great incentive to play together in constant coherency. I love it.

It’s not a fight we have to avoid at all cost, avoiding is at least an option and if it’s in the boss room maybe we can pull it first, maybe not.

Let’s figure out ways to deal with it. It’s just been released!

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And then, the thing spawns somewhere where you can’t avoid it because of how narrow that part is… or it sits in the middle of a clump of enemies…

Who said that the deamonhost was tied to the power outage affix? One of the developers said that he is NOT exclusive to that modifier.
Where do you get your info?

Once lights out was pulled, daemonhost frequency went down with it. I only saw one spawn on a regular map. All things considered it was most likely just showing it off by having it pop up so much for its debut

've read that they have a higher chance of showing up on light’s out.