Darktide events are very boring and badly designed

Get some help from Grimalackt from Vermintide or any of those modded guys. Killing Poxwalkers and Groaners is not a good design. I know u guys can do better cause look at hab dreyko.

The Enclavum Baross mid event is the perfect example of what a mid event should, being constantly swamped in a horde of enemies and having to struggle to get the battery all the way back to the bridge.

Groaners and Poxwalkers can be a fun part of events but they have to be in such numbers to be threatening themselves, and make tougher enemies inside of the more threatening.

Compare that to the Baross end event which is one of the sleepiest in the game with a small trickle of enemies and how boring it is.

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i can see what ur saying but at the same time, the KIND of stress the the current darktide event mobs apply is not very strong. groaners and poxwalers basic attacks. there should be a mix of overheads, flurries, w/e.

it cant jus be the most weakest basic enemy at such high numbers like this. eveyone has a button they can press and commit genocide

They can put more (elite) meat into it, but I’m just utterly bored by basically every event being “how can we spawn enemies at you from every direction”. This is what 90% of the events boils down to.

Only 2 interesting ones that come to mind are math lab because you move in it and the door maze, both of which I like way more than any of the other so samey events. I guess there are the boss maps too that’s also a bit different, but other mid and end events all feel the same sadly.

Give me holdout on a bridge where there are triple enemy number, but they only come from a single direction with big groups of elites. Give me an event that spawns twin bosses to take down. Fighting on a high-ground without enemies spawning in the middle of it? Anything?

The format of the events are a problem too i agree and is why i made this post. Boring and uncreative. Most events is u jus sit there and wait.

The carnival end waiting game is a big fail. Huge waste of time. It got reworked but the missed the whole point. Coulda been a badass escape sequence

Enclavum, boring. Vigil, boring. Refinery delta, still boring and point missed again after rework. This map event, that map event, all boring.


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events should alter the existing maps visually and partially in terms of layout to fit the theme thats at play.

they did with the karnak twins and sadly havent made it standard procedure by now.

for the “darkness” event why start with a “dark”(duh) modifier from the beginning and not make it gradually grow the deeper you progress.

some venta-black tunnels could have led to smaller new areas were piles of corpses make for a proper “dafuq happened here” moment and build up tension when maybe not rind(mooh)a karnak but some nurgle spawn with rinda parts gave a speech of doom before encountering.


but with nurgle-tacles up the windpipe to make “it” speak.

so many ways to make it gory,spooky and exciting.

a future event could be a scab version of “battle of the bulge” given the losses they suffered at this point, mounting a last ditch effort scraping together new “elite units”

in the wake of it they could add a few new enemies
given dregs were last with the new bomber.

I think you guys just want a different game honestly.

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