Darktide Endgame

I have 100’s of hours in on Darktide and will continue to play. Byt im wondering about end game content. Theres auric damnation missions. But theres literally no incentive to play them… can we get items and cosmetics only available for beating them, like an endgame contract or somwthing maybe for the paid currency? Or maybe weapons that contain a 3rd blessing only available for playing them? Im sure we would all accept that for something that incentivises those missions, maybe lock difficukties 1 and 2 for lv30 players. Theres git to be solething more to earn to keep everyone wanting to keep going. Make the paid currencies earnable please. We already paid for the game let us choose to grind it out or give you the money ourselves. Love the game, just wish there was more for max level players…

I’m not saying no to your ideas, or that they are in any way bad. I would like if there were more incentive to play the game. However, I’ve always considered the “endgame” was killing hordes of enemies. That’s what I enjoy the most with the game. The items and cosmetics are just bonuses.

Hopefully, the coming updates will change some of that. :face_with_peeking_eye:


endgame’s meant to be gameplay. auric basically a containment area for players that insist on the most difficult stages they can get so they won’t complain all the time when there’s not Hi-int shock gauntlet on the main board. at some point you run out of shineys to chase because they’re not the draw in the eyes of the devs.


Yeah, the only “End Game” in Vt2 was the Weaves, which were not a successful mode.

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Hi-int shock is easymode. 1-2-VEG AURIC DUO is the easiest ill accept.


it is called adrenalin…

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im new to Darktide i keep reading about how red weapons were endgame in vermintide, was that the game before this one?

i havent see any red weapons in the shop, are they unlocked with a level cap like some stats seem to be?

The issue is you don’t want to incentive people to play harder missions they aren’t ready for or don’t want to play. They’re more for the serious players who want a challenge.


No red weapons were a band aid fix that were not what people would consider End Game.

Vt2 atm has 3 end game like things:

  • Weave: Ranked modes that most people don’t care about
  • Modded difficulties: Peregrinage, Onslaught, Deathwish…
  • Deeds: Special modifiers missions (Atm it goes further than the modifier we have)

In Vt2 they are very low chance of dropping them.
In DT they aren’t present atm

Forget max level items and challenges. What the game needs for an “end game” is an equivalent of chaos wastes from vermintide. That’s where most people spent their time in vermintide at least from my experience, it was always easier to find a game in chaos wastes rather then normal quickplay.
And it was always super fun.

Calling Chaos Waste End Game is not accurate.

But Chaos Waste is the most wanted mode.

my endgame is being the best version of myself i can become.

was struggling in malice in the early days now having a blast doing auric maelstrom as a warmup.

game´s fun, design and artwork fingerlicking good, physics and movement on point.
what more could i ask for besides another difficulty on the horizon ?

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