Is Darktide a replayable game, or does it end on level 30 on every character? What were the ideas behind endgame?

As the topic says - I mean, I’m just a lowly user, simple player, but I imagine during development of a game a group of creatives has a meeting and asks themselves questions like “what genre is the new game?” “what is the game about?” “what mechanics and technology do we want the game to use/implement?” “how will progression work?” and, the ones I’m focused on “do we want players to play perpetually for years, or max out everything and be done with the game?” “do we make, based on expected player statistics, the progression take days, weeks, months or years to get to the maxed out point, if we even ever want or expect them to get there without investing unhealthy amounts of time in it?” “what will the endgame progression look like, what will we do to keep players interested, if we even want them to be interested?” “what do we do about +xp from trinkets and level/bonus objective rewards” “how many cosmetic items a month do we keep on rotation not to overwhelm players and still make decent money in a non-predatory, enjoyable, agreeable and incentivizing way that would build our trust with the players and allow us to continue selling them cosmetic items in a non predatory, engaging and honest way, while adding some new playable paid content also worth it’s price and engaging enough to keep players coming back for more?”

So was there a similar meeting at Fatshark, does anyone think? I’m just extremely curious how some decision have been made and approved. We’ll never know, but it’s curious to wonder.

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Additional challenge provided a lot of replayability to VT2 beyond the initial gear up process. This game could desperately use Twitch mode, as well as mission and difficulty select, while also allowing to choose which modifiers, possibly multiple at a time, are active.

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The sheer difficulty in procuring gear for alternate builds and loadouts also seriously kneecaps endgame variability significantly.

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For me in VT2 it was trying out different builds, getting some reds and then Chaos wastes when it dropped.

Crafting, customising, chaos. All of this is missing in DT.

Winds of magic was an interesting idea, but even thinking about levelling up every weapon again when I didn’t even have many reds was too much.


DT with its repeatable blocks on multiple missions feels like they actually started with the Chaos Wastes formula and just kept neutering it, and Chaos Wastes is arguably their best work when it comes to replayability.


I would like to see the developers actually put some thought into blessings to make them more interesting, and make more builds / weapons viable.

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I really like the endgame.

I mean it’s always a thrill: Hoping you don’t crash until the end of a round.
And if you do (happens veeeeeeeeery rarely wink wink), it’s lottery round two. Are you able to rejoin or is there a server error? Who knows!

Always a thrill