Daily reminder about QoL FatShark isn't giving us

A new day, a new week, another opportunity for FatShark to demonstrate they’re not married to their unfriendly RNG mechanics, and care enough about their customers to implement some very simple bandaids.

But will they?


Well I’d sure like them to.

With such a large number of staff at their disposal, surely they could squeeze out some minor fixes and tweaks to improve player enjoyment of their game, this week?

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Next week™


Well, we have our answer. FatShark is in no way willing to step away from the absurd RNG that will never get you the item you want, and they are keeping all the RNG layers with locking perks and locking blessings except one.

The open letter truly was worthless misdirection, intended to buy them a little time so they could continue down the path of despicable ‘engagement’ tactics and absurd RNG to fake player retention and increase cosmetic sales.

This explains why they didn’t hotfix crafting or plasteel in the meantime. They absolutely want to avoid their customers getting what they want and being able to actually enjoy the game. What absolute crap.


Yeah, their implied game design is to force you to engage with their itemisation for the entirety of a hoped-for 1000 hour play time.

Not considering that 100 or so hours already gets you fully kitted up for one character (all careers) in Vermintide 2. Not considering that people who kept on playing viewed the itemisation as a pain even then and were relieved to be past the point of having to care about items.

They want to force engagement as hard as they can but missed the point as to why their previous games were engaging.



It makes me think that the higher ups calling the shots don’t actually play or enjoy these sorts of games. And they have absolutely no idea why fans of the genre are motivated to play.


I even made another character when I started on PC playing VT2 again and playing the game as ‘intended’ (using drops and opening chests non stop until max rank with every character, breaking things down often) I have never once run into any sort of resource crisis. The most sinister aspect of the item system is rerolling for potentially minutes at a time, which is still here.

Its why every community address still has reject at the top, this is the game. You are the reject making due. The mushroom people crawling around in the dark waiting for another blog post to drop through. It would be nice if you bought some cosmetics, though.

agreed I think a large part of QoL options we believe to be a quick fix and FS always in my experience neglects these community Outcrys more than the difficult things to implement… A simple we’re not going to give u mod options and things these introduce to our games… but we are going to introduce a better UI for missions … Icons in the meat grinder to see how perks work, (better placement options for active stacking perks cruicial to see inbattle not at the bottom of the screen)… crosshair choices … Visual/Auditory clutter… Inventory, Sorting, Management… Mission details/info… Squad details… Tag Wheel… Simply looking at approved mods on Vermintide2 over the years should give them a good idea of the much needed changes…

As far as I’ve seen they only added a single modded in feature from VT2, and even then partially at that. You can see the numbers of your health and toughness.

But you can’t see them for your teammates. You can’t see exactly how much ammo they have. You can’t see when their ability is off cooldown. You can’t see how many grenades they have left.


Sounds like you want an easy button. I understand what you are saying though. Main reason they won’t is to attempt to keep people playing. Main reason they won’t get rid of RNG. If they make it too easy to get the perfect Min/Max, people will stop playing. (I know their way of doing it now is doing the same thing, but the happy Median is going to be hard to find.)

They got it with V2. 100-150 hours is pretty long already and still had a core of people playing afterwards. Most of the people they lost would have been in the first 50 hours with how weird the power system was.

What’s currently happening is they’re trying to aim at 1000 to infinite hours, but in the worst way possible and losing that previous core because of it.

There shouldn’t be much issue with opening up the crafting options after a bit of time engaging with the system, but with this system, even with the upcoming changes, won’t be doing that even after hundreds and hundreds of hours.

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I have been wondering cynically if the reasons why some of the numeric/team focussing QoL options arent being put into the tide games from the get go is because they think most players dont want some GETGUD player tellling others they playing the wrong class/perks/weapons etc but I think in a team game I want to know I’m improving my team to quote some woman ++The whole is greater than the individual++ a

Who knows. I mean people who are pooheads and tell other people they “play wrong” or aren’t good enough tend to do that regardless of a scoreboard and so on. Plus it’s not like we can’t tell what weapon someone is using once the mission is underway. But I have given up on trying to understand FatShark logic, because it is seemingly not of this world.

Being real yeah, scoreboard or not people are going to be toxic about it (funny enough only toxic people I ran into were sub H+ and 1 dude who was intent on blowing up any barrels a teammate was next to).

Even then I have sone predictions on how the score board is going to pan out anyways being that Psyker or Vet will always be top of ranged kills, zealot will be melee, damage overall, and damage taken with Ogryn close behind and likely having the most defended / damage blocked / rescues.

I think also making use of the tab menu would be nice like a sticky note of the current contracts you have or something just as a reminder since at times it can be hard to remember if it was ranged or melee kills.

conflating being good at the game, getting good scores, and toxic behavior just doesn’t pan out in reality.

in v2 all of the top streamers and players in the modded realm are the best players in the game, they get the best scores and all of them are nice enough.

Not sure what point you’re trying to make? If you’re talking about the person that said “GITGUD” people are toxic, I don’t think he means those people are always or even usually all that good themselves. Certainly in my experience, the people who shout the loudest are completely blind to their own mistakes.

Anyway, I think the main point is that anyone who’s likely to be ‘toxic’, is likely to be a douche regardless of scoreboard.

Anything at the end of the game (I liked goldeneyes Awards would be nice to show how well u did there are plenty of objectives ingame for them to give an impression of teamwork… but the UI in darktide is missing soo much information e.g. TAB button and tag wheel (no bot interaction)… Healthbars are all the same but differences between characters health pools… but emotes are top of the pile

It’s almost like you didn’t read what I wrote at all, and utterly and completely missed not only my point, but the context of what I was replying too.

Keep trucking, and maybe buy some better glasses.