A very easy gift Fatshark could give us for the Holiday break & a beginning step to fixing crafting

I’m going to suggest a super easy fix Fatshark could implement for the holidays that would already have a pretty significant impact on making me (and therefore I’m assuming others) want to keep playing over the holidays:

Reduce the spread of weapon ratings at higher levels. Right now 300-380 is far too wide, and does nothing but cause frustration. I recently spent 200k dockets on my level ~60 zealot trying to get the new eviscerator, and only got 2 that had a rating above 350. This…really shouldn’t happen. Right now I don’t have a lot of dockets, and I don’t particularly want to play a ton more missions just to try this again. So as it stands I’m probably going to put the game down for a while again.

Fatshark, I guarantee you not a single level 30 player wants to use anything under 350 for damnation (Or even higher for Auric). If a weapon is rated below 350 I immediately toss it. This just wastes our money, therefore our time. Having pure garbage thrown at us does not make us feel good when we finally get a good rated weapon, it makes us feel relief - if we’re lucky enough.

I suggest that Brunts armory, once you reach level 30, gives a possible spread of 350-380. This still gives the lore vibe of how we’re salvaging what’s available, but doesn’t feel now like I’m getting my time wasted. It already takes hours to get to 30, why do I want my time wasted more. By 30 we’re in the warband and it’s kinda implied that we’re named now, so why wouldn’t Brunt keep the crème of the crop for us, and throw the garbage at all the other rejects who haven’t proved themselves yet? Wouldn’t…this make more sense?

Then make Melk’s random boxes have a weapon rating spread of something 360-380. This will make us actually use the feature (it’s garbage right now), and again gives us a reason to spend melkbucks. I have like, 10k sitting around because I’m not seeing any weapons that are good enough for me to want to use it, and I have most of the blessings that I want already. Increasing the random weapon box ratings to something that’s guaranteed decent to great every time, would actively make me want to spend my melkbucks, thus do more of the quests across all my characters due to the shared character wallet (which was a great addition, thank you for doing that).

There’s a lot more that can and should be done for crafting, but this to me seems like a VERY easy step Fatshark can take to help alleviate a pretty significant pain point about it. If they would implement this as a final christmas present for us before they go on their holiday break, I’d be thrilled. Literally all they have to do (I’m assuming) is just adjust a couple values, and we the players would benefit extremely as that means one of the layers of RNG is heavily mitigated.

While I’m at it, and I’ll admit this is more complicated but I think it could be interesting, since levels above 30 are being tracked, I kinda feel that every level you are passed 30 should reduce the potential score spread. If I’m level 100+ in your game, I really don’t feel like I should be getting level 305 items from the shop. I don’t know off the top of my head what would be a fair number, but if ever level reduced the spread by 1 point, that would mean by level 60 We’d have a potential spread of 330-380, by level 90 it’d be 360-380, etc. Doing this would mitigate RNG as well as give players a sense of progression. I know I’d play my vet or psyker a lot more if I knew it meant I was guaranteed good weapons if I got them to a certain level.

Anyway, please think about it before you all take your holiday break.


#breakthelocks would also go a long way.


I’d agree, but Fatshark outright stated that removing the locks would change crafting too much and would require more work to balance it the way they want to. I don’t agree with that, but it is what it is.

I think spending diamantine to break locks makes a ton of sense as well and would fit what they’re looking for, however I’d also imagine that would require additional coding. My goal with this post would be to suggest one of the easiest possible solutions that they could very easily implement that would be able to kick-off improving the crafting.

everything that’s been discussed before + break the locks + where are red weapons/curios

I had a 379 agrip quickdraw revolver emperor drop that was literally the most cursed weapon I’ve seen yet - pox walkers, sprint efficiency and T2 trickshooter/T3 sustained fire. no salvaging it. I have no idea why they need to be so stupidly stingy with the high base weapons if they can very easily still be ruined. and then not shared.

I’ll add sharing common weapons to my above list, why isn’t this a thing. and curios. all player hostile decisions to limit your ability to replay the game designed around replaying levels. its all so unneeded, I just want to kill stuff and run around jamming.


What I think Fatshark was going for, was to try to make the RNG nature of the weapons cause players to adjust their playstyle based on what they got. Which in theory, in it’s own bubble, I think could be interesting (but it’s not).

Like, if you got a gun that was improving sprint efficiency and like, I dunno something else, the idea is you’d have to try to play in a way that would cater towards the weapon’s strength. In a bubble, that sounds like an interesting core concept. But in practice, that doesn’t work here. At all. And has caused enough frustration to be the #1 complaint for over a year now.

That kind of style/system WOULD work in a rogue like mode like chaos wastes, where if we play a game and then have to adjust based on what I got, then I think that could could work. Get a gun that has high mobility and sprint efficiency? Okay, I gotta play this round being way more mobile. That’s literally the entire point of a roguelike, is adjusting play based on what you get. But, Darktide is not a rogue like.

In practice with what we have, if we get something that we don’t want, we toss it and try again. And we do that over and over and over again, until we pray enough to RNGesus to get something that is passable or good. I can see what Fatshark was trying to do, but it’s failed catastrophically and it needs to be changed. I’m hoping that what I’m suggesting would be easy enough to implement quickly, and makes enough sense for them to actually do it.
I uh, don’t have a ton of hope of that happening for the holidays, but if at least it’s a seed planted in the head as an easy first step, and an easy W for them, then at least it can get the ball rolling.


@FatsharkCatfish For what it’s worth, with that I’m proposing above, I asked all my friends who played Darktide and have quit (around 8 of them) if this change would be enough to bring them back to at least play a few games again over the holiday period.

They all said yes. I know that’s not particularly conclusive evidence nor is it a particularly large number, but I thought I’d share since all of them haven’t been interested in creating accounts here to give feedback. So I figured I’d give them a voice here.

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FYI, removing the locks is changing 1 in words ONE variable in the code. :slight_smile:


They have already shown they are more than capable of altering how locks work, just get rid of them. EZPZ



↑This. Remove the damn locks.


Ehhh? Depends on the weapon and stat distribution IMO? Not that I disagree with your overall point though. You’d be amazed at how many weapons can perform reasonably well and even be high diff viable with mediocre stats but good distributions. Especially if you’ve got the right blessings and perks along with a talent tree set up that synergizes with it well enough. Though it often means you will need to minmax for only one of your weapons on your talent picks. Such builds often can be boring or outright meme builds, no inbetween, depending on the class but are usually even viable in Auric Maelstrom if you’re mechanically competent.

Asking Fatshark to fix crafting is like asking Khorne to be peace loving pacifist god. But do keep trying anyway… it really needs fixing.


Notice I said want. I know some people that could easily run damnation on greys that are level 300 - doesn’t mean that it’s going to be a fun experience nor does that mean we should just accept things the way they are. Generally speaking people want to play with what they want.

I’m not claiming you need a perfect weapon, but once we start getting below 350, whatever the dump stat is starts taking a real hit and that can/does affect game-feel. My main point is I’m exhausted of having to gamble so much to even get the RNG of a weapon upgrade process started. They need to address stat distribution, blessing/perk RNG and locks as well, but this is a super simple way to start making things better. Which, is something they’ve already done - I don’t remember what it was before but they boosted the floor to 300, it may have been like 280 or something before.

I said that I don’t disagree, I was just nitpicking that point. I know the caveats.

If that was the case it surely can’t be now. They routinely feature build videos on their official launcher that center around specific weapon blessings.

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The game seems so full of ideas they once had and then had to cut to get the game out.

Really the lower tier blessings all seem to just be a waste of time. And it’s horrible RNG

A suggestion would be to just get the blessing you want (if you find it) unlock it and use of said weapon will increase the blessing. “Leveling your weapon essentially.” Ultimately you should be able to reach level 4 with that blessing through normal play. Then you can choose to aquire the leveled blessing and transfer it to the correct weapon you want it on with diamantine.

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Not speaking about how getting items we want affects gameplay, no need.
Talking about impressions:
Overall - item acquisition crafting system is unpleasant to interact with - so much it resembles a visit to backalley illegal slot machine shack.
It leaves unpleasant aftertaste after even touching it. It disappoints and destroys the good mood - a lot more than in provide players with a dopamine boost.
It’s is as disgusting as surströmming smell.

In terms of the 300 to 380 items i think it should start like thay by default and when you spend 100k the new minimum is 301 then 150k more its 302. 200k to 303 and so on. After spending countless millions you should finally reach a point where the insane amount of money and time you spent playing pays off and crafting becomes easier

Unfortunately I would assume FS ia already on cruise control after releasing the twins boss fight until their full official break.

I don’t think we’re getting anything until February.


I’m really not sure what to make of this post :joy: