Daily quests rewards an insult

To add to this, scarce items aren’t valuable because they’re scarce but because they’re ALSO desirable (although admittedly, their rarity does contribute to their desirability).

I think a BIG problem with the current cosmetics in the shop is lazy design.

Too many hats are so similar in their look and design as to be almost indistinguishable. Even worse, the hero skins for each career are shameless copies of each other, albeit with different colors and some small token variation in the decorations.

This isn’t real choice but the illusion of choice and once players realize this they either save up their shillings for those cosmetics that are worth getting or give up grinding for them.

If the shop cosmetics were more original and distinguishable (such as the hats you can purchase using real money) they could sell for a higher price in shillings, (e.g. 1000+) while remaining both scarce and desirable.

How is this relevant to the discussion?
Even if daily shilling rewards were increased, I don’t think this would address the problem of the lack of choice in the cosmetics store.

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