Current contract system is stupid

The current contract system is pretty stupid especially in combination with the limited mission selections.

For instance, if you get a specific map secondary objectives - and if there isn’t that map OR that map doesn’t have secondary objectives, then it is just a waste.

Sometimes there isn’t a scripture or grimore missions AT ALL.

It seems like DT has gotten inspirations from Deep Rock Galactic in terms of its limited, but changing mission objectives.


In Deep rock galactic, the missions are in the form of “Play ____ Map or _____ Map” and at least ONE of them are always on the mission menu.



It seems like such a poorly thought out design it boggles my mind. Seriously, who came up with this?

let us AT LEAST choose what difficulty the mission is.
Then, AT LEAST have contract that will ALWAYS have a mission that can be completed in the mission selection.

I honestly am kind of against the idea of limited selections like this ESPECIALLY with the difficulties. And also, this game just doesn’t have enough maps or the mission variety to justify it.

Honestly, just let us pick the missions and difficulties. Or at least take some inspiration from Payday 2, where you can always pick any mission and difficulty, but there is a pool of randomly assigned one that will pop up that may give out additional rewards. Why go all these length to make the game more frustrating than it should be?

I’m really hoping custom matches launch with the full game. It doesn’t make much sense to not have it when the challenges demand such extremely specific conditions, repeated 6 times.