The mission system should be slightly changed

the mission system should be slightly changed.

I believe that having various missions (even duplicates of the same one with slightly different modifiers) can be great if we have at the same time the ability to choose the mission we want to play and at what difficulty we want to play it.

at this moment I believe that Darktide’s mission system is not optimal and can leave you unsatisfied, if I wanted to play a specific mission that has a particular Boss or mechanic that I enjoy, why can’t i select it and do it with friends at the difficulty I want ?

I would propose to add a contract selection system similar to Payday 2 where you can choose the mission you want to do without having to wait for the map to update. (I took Payday 2 as an example because Payday 2 has the same system of random missions that appear, rotating on a map and at the same time allows players to choose the mission they want at the difficulty they want)

now the problem is there but it doesn’t feel too much as there are few missions, but what will happen when we have all the contents at the release of the game? having the same missions over and over with no choice can make the game too repetitive, and this problem is incredibly more important for people who have little time to play and are forced to repeatedly play whatever the game wants at the difficulty the game wants.

This is how the map in Payday 2 looks like, really similar right? Contract Broker is where you go to buy the mission you want and you can select the difficulty you want to play it


I agree, I genuinely don’t understand why not being able to choose my mission was considered a good idea.

I should be able to chose any zone, any mission I want, and any sub-missions I would want. Why shouldn’t I? That should be the default, with some random mission assortments like we have now be an “extra” for some extra rewards or something as an incentive. Kinda like a set of dailies would be cool.

I kind of like the idea that some of the zone effects like lights out, ventilation issues is random because that can help keep things fresh.

Its because they took deep rock galactic as their primary reference for this game it seems for better and for worse, mostly worse it seems sadly

the point is that DRG has rng generated maps, so people don’t care too much about them randomly spawning. here we have beautiful designed maps with cool bosses and mechanics, so here is important to have the choice to select the mission you want.

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100%, the design of it just doesnt work for a game like this, but they saw DRG’s success and tried tp piggy back off of it, which they should have followed their own success from vermintide 2 which worked perfectly