Ive had a few CTD during chaos wastes Legend maps. It occurred once today, and few times before.
Lost lots of legend chests because of this. Please fix it my friends wont play the game till this is patched because they lost loot I uploaded the latest 3 logs I have found in my folder.
console-2021-07-15-19.28.26-842917e3-34f6-444b-a3dc-7d03e641e094.log (1002.2 KB)
console-2021-07-16-12.12.56-cc57ddbe-6849-48bf-9fb0-735f64bd4782.log (3.8 MB)
console-2021-07-16-13.46.40-bafe6b96-2da1-4dce-8638-4edfa757cee1.log (1.3 MB)