Cosmetics! 150h in game, hundreds of opened boxes- not EVEN ONE cosmetic item... This is absurd

Sadly this only works in anime.


Thats even worse then my luck, Iā€™m sorry for your loss.

To be honest I really dont care. But it annoys me from a standpoint of where they are supposed to be there but bcs of how the rng works, this exact thing can happen.

All of this is the problem with (pure) RNG: While most people end up in the middle of the bell curve, getting average results, some will be in either extreme, getting three reds a day or not getting any in a thousand crates. And with thousands of active players, there will be dozens of people in those extremes.

While I personally think that reds are somewhat overrated, not everyone does, and cutting the worst extremes of the bell curve would still be a good thing, for both Veteran items and cosmetics. There are some things on the way with the first content update (promised ā€œsoonā€, but no schedule given), in the form of some kind of Bounty Board system, but as others have suggested already, a little probability-raising safety net wouldnā€™t still go amiss. It was already implemented in VT1 with the DLC weapons: When it was possible to receive one, but you didnā€™t (either the dice didnā€™t favor you or it didnā€™t even appear), the chances of one appearing in the loot ladder increased a bit, resetting when you actually got one. While the addition of more loot in one pick does complicate things, I think a similar system would be good.

And for the record: ~330 hrs in VT2, 1 red, no cosmetics. Between me and two friends with similar time spent, I think we have four reds and one cosmetic item. We have only now started completing Legend runs, though.

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Just an update as I decided to open up my stack of 155 accomidation chests.
I actually did get 2 cosmetic items in the process, so my post from before is invalid as i could have gotten them at any given time. got 2 identical hats for the wrong class.
Still no red items though.

no single red nor cosmetic.Āø(around 50 legend runs, and dozens of emperors on champion), in act of desperation i even reroled my legendaries near perfect, so reds not even matters anymore.

Im not whining, but game lack sense of getting something new after some point, I not asking to give me cosmetic, but I woud like alot of cosmetics in this game like green quality cosmetic which anyone can get, blue which is rare but obtainable, legendary which is hard to getā€¦then current one which is insane hard to get. you must gief people sense of accomplishment, again im not asking to be rewarded with best possible cosmetic item in game, but just add some lesser cosmetics. Gief us something to hope for, after succesful run.

Yeah Iā€™ve only ever just recently started getting red items because Iā€™ve been playing Legend none stop.

Yup, Iā€™ve suggested the same thing. They can introduce cosmetic tiers, so there would be one for each difficulty. This being Warhammer universe, there are hundreds of examples and thousands of possible ideas for cosmetic items (some of which already presented/suggested here ).

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50 legend runs thatā€™s nothing OMEGALUL