Cosmetics! 150h in game, hundreds of opened boxes- not EVEN ONE cosmetic item... This is absurd

Just opened another gen vault and got 298 orange, 300 blue and 298 blue, and you know, i see such loot like almost every time. So yes, I’m openong mostly generals, some soldiers, couple of emp and merchants, snd still see the same shіt, the only difference that gen and emp gives me more orange then blue.

Hmm, I guess I’m just lucky. If I were to guess, I’ve probably opened a bit over 100 vaults, and I have approximately 16-20 reds. Only a few came from champion.

I don’t argue to this statistic, maybe me and my friends are just unlucky, but we see cosmetics a lot more rarely then ~1 in 100 commendations. OFC it can be just a mere unluck, coz RNG can be such bіtch.

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I have 265 hours in game and only today got my first cosmetic XD I got a gold skull mask for the shade. I’ve got close to 170 levels across all characters. That’s 170 lvl up chests I’ve opened and only 1 cosmetic. So yea… they are “rare”…

I realize that. Moreover, I share the same problem - I only have 1 hat after playing for 400 hours, and that hat is for Battle Wizard. And it’s funny, cause I rarely play SIenna, and opened only like 10-15 commendation chests for her. On the other hand I have a friend, who rolled 3! cosmetic items, before even reaching level 30 with any of his characters.

But while I can relate to what you are saying, I think personal experience is irrelevant in this case, because yes, there is you and me, and for us cosmetics is super rare, and there is my friend, for whom cosmetics is just something regular.

So yet again, we shouldn’t look on individual examples, but on the whole picture, because things are going to be very different for each particular person.

I agree with what you are saying about “whole picture” from statistics point of view. But here is a thing:

  • there is no way for me as a player to know the whole picture.
  • I can only base judge particular part of the game based on the experience I and my close friends had.
    I am sitting on 200+ commendation chests open and have 0 cosmetics. Across our group we are over 800 hours (closer to 1k I believe, can’t check ATM). We have seen 2 cosmetic items across 4 of us. So here is my own personal data set. Am I satisfied with this progress? No. Do I really care? No, I kinda care more about very low drops of reds for me and green dust issue.

Maybe you’re right. No, you’re just right. The whole system should be build in such a way, that no player would get unfair results. In that regard yours or @Nilter examples are completely relevant.

Same here, but a lot of people are very hyped about cosmetics, and I can totally get that.


Here’s to hoping Fashiontide DLC is coming soon.

150 hours, hahahah. I’ve got more then 400, and still looking for cosmetic.

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Great, if that’s how you feel why are you here. Leave.

Just because the problem is old, doesn’t mean that it’s been dealt with. This tread is live as long as the topic is.


Indeed, I just asked across my two groups. 6 other players, and I’m the only one who has a cosmetic. I heard the drop rate was increased, but it still seems extremely low… Getting close to 2,000 hours between us all, and only 1 cosmetic which I got recently lol…


Im nearing 950 hours now and this is the tally of all the red items and cosmetics I have found…

11 red necklaces (yes, all necklaces and not one charm or trinket)
9 red weapons (luckily almost all were wanted - although one was a dupe - both 1h hammers on Bardin)
2 cosmetics (both for classes I dont enjoy playing - shade and unchained)

Tho I have opened a lot more in the past, I saved up 135 commendation chests and opened them all last week. Zero found. 0/135. Man, that was a disappointment :frowning:

The drop rates on reds seem low, but not so low that you cant get one. The drop rates on cosmetics seem MUCH worse however

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Listening to all those feedback, I am starting to think, that cosmetics droprate was actually DECREASED instead of increasing. Must be a coincidence or unintentional, but still!

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we’re talking emperor vaults, 1 red every 5-10 vaults is about the same as my rate also. not sure about others, i can only speak for my experience.

yep. lol

Reds I would say are a lot more common than cosmetics. Technically, you could get start getting cosmetics as soon as your first character hits level 2, as they are dropped in level up chests. But the fact that hardly anyone has seen them means either,

(A) That there are hardly any cosmetics to begin with
(B) The drop rate is extremely low, 0.5% or less I would estimate.

My current drop rate is at 0.40%

EDIT: Actually, that number is way too high. If cosmetics work like every other item in the game, then each of the 3 slots in the chest could be a cosmetic. Which would make the drop rate 0.16% - 0.17%.

Drop rates are usually evaluated per chest. Since all people care is reds and cosmetics this seems reasonable.

That’s why I did both, also, as far as I know, cosmetics only come out of level up chests. If they drop in champ/legend chests than the drop rate is even lower. If only 1 cosmetic can be in each chest, then the drop rate for me is 0.40%. If cosmetics can drop in all 3 slots of a chest, than the drop rate is 0.16%-0.17%. If they can drop from Legend/Champion chests, then the drop rate is even lower, 0.05% or less.

Only commendation chests. The droprate is said to be 1.1%, but that’s not entirely accurate.

Here, I once made a thorough topic about it.