Cosmetic Issues + latest patch


I would like to address a few issues. Firstly, I wrote to your support team a long time ago regarding the Commissioner’s outfit (black). I have been waiting for so long and saving premium currency for this piece of art. Of course, I wasn’t told when the outfit would be available. What’s the problem with rotating items more frequently? I’ve been waiting for so long and I’m sad that Julia from support couldn’t provide me with specific information.

Next, my feedback on the latest update:

  1. The new weapons look great, but why are the skins only available for premium currency? Why aren’t they available in two variants, for in-game currency as well, like the others?
  2. Opponents with shotguns. Did anyone ask to be virtually kicked out and killed by these opponents on some maps? Definitely a downside.
  3. I noticed that you added a new event related to using new weapons. Not that I’m complaining, but the rewards are so discouraging that the person I play with and I have no intention of participating. Would it hurt you to at least have the final stage of this event give premium currency? Even just 100 Aquilas?

Listen to the players, I’m sure these are not just the feelings of two loyal players and Warhammer fans. Despite some things making us sad, we also feel joy from playing.

P.S. Maybe add an option in the menu to turn on/off the altered voice when wearing a mask. Not everyone wants to sound like they’re in a jar.

May the Emperor bless you

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