Convocation of decay finale

No you cannot always just play pre-mades. The grind has driven most of my friends away from the game so finding a pre-made is not always an option.

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It took me a while but Iā€™m back to not being a burdon in Legend but it can feel overly harsh with Qp group.

Well you dont need to always stand in circle it wont decrease and you can just run to better position and kill all stuff thats coming for you

Exactly, once you start jumping in and put, it becomes quite manageable.

Glad Iā€™m not alone. The past few days Iā€™ve felt like Iā€™m going insane when trying to do Quickplay. The party will wipe and Iā€™ll just be like, ā€œDid I start sucking at the game overnight or what?ā€

I didnā€™t saw so many 20 levels on legend before like today, oh wow thats biggest debuff you can get ;D

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