Conversion to the Mastery System: Fatshark Pulled (another) Fast One

I had all weapons mastered already except the new shared class weapons but quickly mastered them very easily by sacrificing my piles and piles of Emperor’s Junk.

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To be fair, I only played like 2 hours today and got my Eviscerator from level 12 to level 15 and my Spear Boltgun from level 9 to level 13 and that’s on Heresy since I felt rusty with my friends.

So it really goes fast after missions.

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To take away even some RNG, they would instead saddle us with enormous amounts of grind.

Right now the “enormous amounts of grind” is that you buy some handfuls of the weapon you want to master from Brunt’s, then consecrate them to green and sacrifice them for 10K+ XP each. It’s like a few minutes per weapon family.


Definitely not.
Unless you are telling me, that doing around 400 character level ups, while using the same staff, is only enough xp to get that weapon to mastery 12.

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Sacrificing stuff went the fastest for me. Went from about four things maxed across all classes to about four things left below max after an hour of picking through my junk pile or buying stuff to sacrifice.

Admittedly I only ran the new train mission and did not check if it gives the same xp as other missions.

Edit. It would be interesting to see if there was a different migration result for players who logged in before, during or after the maintenance. A friend of mine logged in after maintenance and unlocked 100%. I was only a few blessings behind him pre-patch but I logged in before the maintenance.

Am I bothered though? Not really. Everything is so easy there are no stakes here. I might log in and finish the last few weapon families before I sleep.


i don’t know, someone over there seems to be convinced that players really like rng and grind. although they can see that players are trying to get around this wherever possible.

i had a well prepared sticker book, and interestingly, my mastery was complete out of the box for weapons i had used a lot, like combat axes and infantry autoguns, and less complete in the case of other weapons, maybe just at 50%, which makes me guess that the conversion also considered actual use of said weapons.

whatever, it just takes time to distribute the points in order to get the preferred blessings first. for axes, for example, i had to get 5x t1 blessings first before i was allowed to get the first t2. then about other 5x t2 until i got one t3, etc. so i spent my points on things like brutal momentum, headtaker and decimator first. as i said, it didn’t matter for axes because the mastery was complete, but on the other hand, i’ve barely used the flamer for a long time, and didn’t have enough points here to get even one t4.

Getting a weapon from 0 top 20 Mastery takes about 30 weapons.
That’s roughly 300k dockets and 3k plasteel if you buy them from brunt and upgrade to green to sacrifice.

Funny enough the game is incapable of handing out the correct amount of mastery points. See screenshot below lol.


Asking commanderJ to not be super melodramatic about every mild inconvenience is setting yourself up for disappointment frankly.


It doesnt take much to get Lvl20 Mastery on a weapon…Jesus Christ…


I’m assuming it has to do with a lot of blessings going from Tier 2/3 exclusive to being Tier 1/2/3/4, so all of a sudden having 8/8 Tier 3 and 4 blessings turns into 8/10 once manstopper and flechette ride into the scene as tier 4 options. Same for every item that had run n gun or blaze away.

Yeah honestly i was expecting bit better of an conversion. Axes for instance i practically had every possible blessing apart from the odd T1-2 ones and yet it wasn’t even at 75%?
Well luckily for me i have enough useless items to sacrifice and reach max mastery relatively effortlessly.
I’m honestly more annoyed at trying to sort stuff so i can actually sacrifice stuff in some relatively reasonable time-frame.

While I’m not livid about the situation, I can at least empathize with those who are. They have been screwed over with the switch.

I’m on other hand am on positive side, I get to play in variety of ways with incentive of getting more stuff. And since most weapons have more talents, I can experiment more.

Now I need to find the time to do it.

From my blessing collection habits I’d say that higher tier masteries count for significantly more, and the amount you’ve actually used the weapon counts for squat.

Unless you’re @Lt.DavinFelth, apparently :grimacing:

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I’m starting to think I was too annoying pre-patch and that’s the way FS is getting revege…
Welp, back to being annoying again!


Wait, you mean to tell me that you only used one weapon?

How? Screwed up with their blessing collection? Bruv, if that is true, they should have mastery xp carried over, and enough mats to sacrifice to max the mastery of their top priority weapons. What did they expect? 1:1 xp blessing transfer? In their dreams m8. This is just a really bad case of misunderstanding, complaining, and over-expectations.

I only focused on T3-4 blessings. Dropped my main weapons about half mastery progression. Bruv thats where I was in the first place, only focused half the tiers, I get half the total Mastery. Then it took 2 minutes to fully max mastery getting all my blessings back. No sweat, no tears.

I read that just before going to sleep last night, and I realised this morning that I’d been having dreams about them disappearing.

Anyway - loaded up this morning, rather tentatively I’ll admit, and I’ve done about 600 very cathartic clicks on church window panes. Yeah, it still looks to me as though I have everything on every character. :crossed_fingers:

I played 3 missions yesterday evening, after FatsharkStrawHat confirmed it’d finished updating. I’ve obviously not sacrificed anything to Hadron (because why?). I’ve not tried crafting anything new, but I have swapped a tier 4 blessing and a perk on my combat axe.

I mean - yeah, I’d collected almost all the 4s I would guess, many if not almost all the 3s, and many 2s. But I didn’t have a full set. :confused: And I can say I didn’t have much at all on the new Ogryn pick-axes, especially play time (maybe 1 game?) - but that’s come through maxed out too.


I mean to tell you that i used the same staff (at least the same kind of staff) for around 400 of the level ups on my psyker.

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Honestly, compared to the absolute drivel the devs gave us before this patch, I wouldn’t care if I had to regrind from mastery 1 to 20 on every single weapon regardless of unlocked blessings. This new system is a breath of fresh air if for literally no other reason than removing locks on everything.

Sure, I wanted a bit more progress than I got, but I didn’t 100% any weapon and barely worked on any because the old system absolutely destroyed all fun I had with playing the game.

And, like you, now I can experiment more. Though I want to figure out why some weapons are 80/80/80/80/45 instead of 60.


Clearly they should’ve expected 0.75 to 1 conversion