Completely out of copium

why is the game not free to play? Why did i spend so much money?


You would have spent it on drugs and hookers otherwise. Fatshark saved your soul from damnation, you should be grateful really!


The bigger question is why are they not at least framing it as though we aren’t part of extended play testing? Is there even an excuse for the dog modifier besides testing their ‘fix’ for them flying into space?


Don’t let it get to you too much. Uninstall the game. Hide it from your library. Then come here and hang out with the rest of us. Some folks here are pretty nice, and there’s nothing that unites a diverse group of individuals than a dumpster fire.


This is the answer. Darktide flopping has gotten me and my friends playing other horde shooters like DRG and B4B (which is pretty good now after the most recent update). Both of those games just have a ton more to offer than DT does right now. It’s a shame Fatshark can’t seem to learn from their own mistakes, letalone learn from their competition, but at least there are other good games out there.


That’s what I did, I have no desire to touch the game until things get better, instead I come here every so often to see what’s happening. The lack of anything is just pathetic however.


Keep checking in hoping to see a community update.

I wonder if they realise how bad this makes them look from the outside…


Drop a negative review and uninstall the game. Game ain’t worth more effort than that at this point.


Why does a beta test cost $40-60 is a legitimate question.


Some of you can get pretty aggressive at times…
(Coming from a person who joined the forums a few weeks ago)

Stolen from reddit but its perfect lol

“waiting for reply” I lmao thanks random reddit guy


When B4B is a better option, you know DT is f*cked.

Mostly joking though, haven’t really played B4B after the first couple of weeks.

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B4B is a great game, it improved a lot over time. I have 1000 hours in B4B.

They scuffed the idea of Vs so much from L4D, and the beta was really bad. I might pick it up if it goes on sale again though.

its not a versus game
the beta was actually great

I saw a long comparison video between B4B and L4D, so I never touched B4B.
It seems horrendously bad.

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Err right, but a big part of their marketing was that it was from the makers of L4D. Nobody plays that game to this day for expert/realism or any of the campaigns. Its 100% modded content and vs. They even put it in the game for that reason, but it was scuffed and boring.

For what it is it’s fine, the DLC have tremendously improved the game since launch imo, the maps are well designed

Oh? I’ll have to check it out. I stopped playing when the hives were added because they’re [redacted] awful, yet they’re the only way to get resources for the better burn cards.

“Some of you?” You’re one of us now.

Let the hate flow through you.


Take L, drop negative review and move on. What can you do? At least you avoided Sunk Cost Falacy, which many people on copium can’t do.

Or buy Deep Rock Galactic if you want proper good co-op game rich in features and gameplay mechanics :slight_smile: . That’s what I did with friends after dumbster fire that was Darktide, and we have time of our lifes :slight_smile: