Community update today?

So its 9am Swedish time now, I guess they are all back in the office by now? Is it possible for us to get an announcement today?

They need to do somethingā€¦ The release of Redfall get closer by the day, and it could hurt this game even further if people jump ship.

Emperorā€™s throneā€¦ if redfall releases the first half of this year, it would be leathal to fatshark.

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I donā€™t think this alpha build needs any other game release to be burried.

Itā€™s doing just fine on its own.


redfall literally has nothing to do with darktide.

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Not releasing any sort of announcement today would be a terrible mistake.

People know theyā€™ve been on vacation, and they have been rather calm because you can just get answered with ā€œthey deserve a vacation tooā€ which I agree (even though I wouldnā€™t have left the game on autopilot for this long).

BUT, they are working now, and some are likely doing it since last week, if they canā€™t produce anything to at least calm the waters today, the communication with the playerbase is absolutely doomed, more than it already is.


Iā€™m sorry, but Redfall looks like some cringe Fortnite edgelord garbage. I donā€™t think itā€™s going to hurt Darktide. Its reveal had rap laid over some kids saying cringe narration with emo vampires. Omegalul


hadnt heard of that one, first google comes up with " Redfall isnā€™t Arkaneā€™s Left 4 Dead ā€“ itā€™s the studioā€™s spin on Far Cry"

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Redfall isnā€™t going to hurt darktide lack of content and transparency with the community is what will hurt darktide.

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Theyā€™re havinā€™ a chat! Are you as excited as i am?

Apparently, communicating is not allowed during the Holidays in Sweden. Hurrah for your freedom! Youā€™re free once more, Fatshark!

Chat aaaaawaaaaaaay!

Thatā€™ll do it!

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Aqshy responded to a different thread ā€œFatsharkā€™s Silence is deafeningā€. Said a community update will be at the at the ā€˜Earliestā€™ time this week. IDK what that means, but thatā€™s what was said.

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It means 4.48pm friday afternoon.

I get the frustration, but when Iā€™m on vacation i donā€™t want to worry about work related things, especially something like Christmas where there is an emphasis on family. Again these conversations should have taken place months ago, but donā€™t expect people to work over major Holidays such as Christmas.


Yeah, strong labor laws are great!


Thatā€™s an interesting perspective. Considering @Aqshy did state she was in talks with the developer over the holidays:

But only now weā€™re going to actually have talks, again? Intradasting.

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It definitely sounds like these were far from official, just getting groundwork ideas set etc. Before finalizing anything, especially to the community, I would want to make sure everyone is on board with it and they are feasible changes. Again, this should have happened months ago but it is what it is.

Iā€™m specifically in disagreement with you saying they didnā€™t talk about anything during the holidays even though they did.

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So is strong work ethic.

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That was my bad, I wasnā€™t aware of that post I was just stating something from my personal experience. Also as I said before, Iā€™m not sure how truly substantial those conversations were. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

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Seriously. Everything Iā€™ve seen displayed by this developer goes counter to professionalism 101.

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