Community Comm-Link 27th April 2023

I’m assuming they’re taking the community recommendation and splitting Power Cycler up into a conventional 4-tier blessing. Probably a lot easier than balancing around the idea you would use this weapon with this extremely rare blessing only, without looking at why this blessing is so broken to begin with. Fat Shark balance.

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I would expect a T3 variant with +1 charge.

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Will the double low intensity mission board issue be addressed?


At least there’s no friendly fire.


Is there any chance that both the old and new Penance cosmetics will have color variations in the Armory you can purchase with ingame currency? These look rad but I’d vastly prefer the option to have them in black, grey or red instead of green.


This is a cool idea, hopefully they add it if it’s not currently planned.

I‘m really looking forward to the new mission and am quite happy about earnable cosmetics and new penances!

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Well Catfish,
I really like the way you try to communicate frequently with the playerbase.
All the changes are mostly nice. New free cosmetics are always nice and seeing a teaser for a new mission is nice aswell. Hopefully it’s not just 80% of another mission but backwards.
Content is obviously needed…

But what is also needed is some kind of communication about the most glaring issues of the game. The still horrific RNG layers and the state of the so called crafting system with it’s locks.

I’m not sure if the team around Darktide realised how important these problems and the feedback surrounding them are for the playerbase. It kinda feels like they didn’t, even though the forums, reddit, youtube, discord… actually everything is full of it.


Well, hopefully it was said that these penances won’t be impossible to get. I really would like to finish the ones we’ve got, but I am not enough good with a psyker (and too lazy) to complete the 2 missing (going out with a bang and pick & mix)
What would make me happy would be to know when the cosmetics, from Aquilla shop, will return and when will we get backpacks.
Also, I really would want more missions… so I will wait firmly the patch following the #9 that is REALLY welcome!

Please Fatshark (so FatsharkCatfish), tell us when you will put new cosmetics in the shop!

Any words on rng crafting?


I absolutely agree with removing locks.
but picking perks from a list is not important because there are mods that allow you to automatically re-roll until you get what you want.


Yes there is a mod to deal with that, but changing perks is not a simple missing QoL feature.
It is an essential part of the game, that is obviously badly designed.
Such a thing should not be “fixed” by a mod, especially when considering that this should be a very easy fix.


It’s not important to implement a simple fuucking drop down menu because mods allow you to reroll for 20 minutes without clicking the mouse button yoursef - excuse you, in not a single universe this is fine. Modders doing Fatsharks job and you calling it fine is NOT ok.


I dare to ask - any adjustments to crafting system incoming?


No mention of removing blessing locks, or perk reroll being changed. This update will go over like a lead balloon with the player base.

Dont get me wrong i appreciate the work, and new content, but the RNG crafting system has been holding the players hostage since launch.

If i were a CM for fatshark id be harping to the team about this to the point of harassment. Not a knock on you catfish I just think this point needs to be hammered home relentlessly until its changed.


Power Cycler is a mandatory blessing for the power sword, there’s no other blessing that tops it. It’s unbalanced. You need to change how the weapon works, adding tiers to that blessing it will make it more accesible but STILL MANDATORY.

No changes to psyker’s penances? Really?


Never give up, Fishtank boys and girls! :muscle:

Should have been named “Rejected”


I don’t want to put oil on fire, but… as you pointed, this is here since launch. I even guess it was here in the beta.
Did you really think they will remove this point that is the main feature of their crafting system?
As I said, you can ask for improvements of the current system and expect that they consider it. They have even say they are discussing it.
But for the removal of locks… you need to be realistic. It won’t be removed… at least not until we get a sort of red weapon.

That could welm be the “new” mission. I think all zones have three missions except for throneside but I really can’t say for sure as they tend to blend together…

Say what now? They didn’t release crafting until a few months after launch. They reworked it once before release and once after release.

No, it wasn’t in the beta. No, it wasn’t in the game at launch.

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