Community Comm-link 15th June 2023

Let’s say it…

If they would remove shops, I would cease to play (normal or Melk’s - btw Melk’ shop has also bad weapons…).
Brunt’s is a pure garbage. You have to spend lot of money to get something that is just… acceptable.
And one thing that you did not considered is the fact that you have more odds to get a T4 blessing with a weapon with a 376+ modifier (totally empiric feeling from my tests… but with all what I have crafted, I am pretty sure of this). Let’s say it, you will waste lot of materials if you rely on Brunt’s armoury.

Odds of the Brunt’s armoury are a… JOKE.
I never use it cause you just burn money and you get nothing worth enough to craft.

Btw, I put again the link to my proposition: