Collectiong of Improvements for Vermintide 2 with Voting

There is a trophy room in the keep, it’s just not open yet. You can bug into the room though.

For sure xD All my mates bought the collectors edition and I got the basic, they have all talked on discord about how it felt like a rip off.

Not really sure what else they can do? They just need to add more costumes and hats to the game.

Not sure what collector charming is? But yea, a list of all the current available items would be nice.

You can do this, just kick them before you get to the bubble. I’ve kicked people while running down the hill to the bubble after killing the boss on War camp. Obviously it’s something you should hardly ever have to do… The only time I did it was because of a troll who refused to help kill the boss and just cursed in chat the entire time.

It’s not. It’s one of the harder bosses, but it is not OP. 2 people can easily kill it while the other 2 take care of the horde and specials. Just yesterday, myself on FK kruber and a Zealot killed it while the Pyro cleared the horde and specials, bardin ranger was dead. And this was on the map, into the nest, which is very narrow and closed off. We had no issues and it was on Legend difficulty.

I would suggest going into the modded Relm and spawning Chaos Spawns so you can practice dodging and killing them. If you have two people it’s very easy, one of you takes agro and just blocks and dodges its grabs while the other hits it until he takes agro, then you attack until you get agro and repeat until dead. 1 vs 1 is a little more difficult but still way easier than trying to solo a troll. The only time I can solo a troll is on WS with hagbane.

No, that’s rewarding bad game play and would make clutching less awesome.

Nope, again, rewarding bad game play and would make speed running much easier.

I would say up to 70%, as even with 33% curse reduction on Legend, 1 hit is still gonna kill the elf at half HP with both grims. I could get behind normal regen up to 50% and then half up to 100%. It would make her other talents more of a choice, people might actually take party regen or double regen for her over ammo regen if that was the case.

Yep, I’ve always felt this way. Buff other characters and weapons up instead of nerfing down good ones. Running Legend with pubs is still a 50/50 chance of failure, at least for me, might actually be lower. Running with my groups on the other hand, we hardly fail unless the AI director cucks us with 6 specials, a horde and boss at the same time.

Tons of threads about this here on the forum. I’ll give you a link to my theory if you want to read it,

Kinda pointless. The power levels don’t really add that much damage compared to the actual stats. Try equipping the default weapon and shooting dummies, not much of a difference. The 10% armored, infantry and chaos are what make a big difference. And you get new items and weapons so much lvling up that it’s pointless to try and keep the lower ones. And by the time you start knocking out champion games, red items will begin to very slowly start trickling in until you do Legend and start complaining about having too many of each one. xD

That would be broken. Try equipping the dual daggers on the elf and hitting the dummies in the keep. Around every 3rd attack will crit. You would be at full HP all the time.

Most of the traits are pointless right now, extra stamina on headshots and stuff. They need to seriously rework them to make them useful. 5% speed buff on head shots that doesn’t stack would be far more useful than extra stamina.


The Devs have actually said this is something they want to implement.

I’ve thought about something similar. Open maps where you can just explore and kill hordes, take out patrols with friends and so on. I don’t think it’s going to happen though.

Agree with most of the other stuff tho.

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