Cleave distribution

If damage cleave distribution on a weapon is 10 then does that mean it goes through 10 enemies and then on the 11th enemy (and beyond) there is no damage?

Still trying to get my head around much of the UI stat voodoo…

Enemies have a value called Hit Mass. If enemy A has a Hit Mass of 3.5, then your weapon with cleave distribution 10 can cut through 2 of them and stops when it hits the third one. That’s what makes Brutal Momentum so stong: it ignores hit mass on a headshot kill and an axe travels through without stopping.

IIRC, Cleave is rounded up so cleave 10.1 is the same as cleave 11.

Also, no matter how high your cleave is, weapons can only damage a certain number of targets. It’s hardcoded into each weapon. No matter how many enemies you hit with a single swing, you cannot do damage to more enemies than your weapon is able to.


Ah OK thanks yeah that makes sense. Shame we can’t see how much hit mass an enemy has though.

The stats are so mind bending to understand.

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Cleave 10
We hit 3.5 hit mass. Cleave 10 minus hit mass 3.5 = 6.5 cleave left. 6.5 is more than zero so the swing continues. We hit hit mass 3.5 again. 6.5-3.5=3. The swing goes on. We hit hit mass 3.5 yet again. 3-3.5=-0.5, we have no more cleave, the swing stops.

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there is also a variable in how much damage continues through , the power sword has not only high cleave (it goes through a lot of mass) but it also does good damage to all. the ogre pickaxe on the other hand light attacks can hit only 2 pox walkers and the second one only takes half damage.

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Except that, grab yourself Healthbars and CreaterSpawner mods and test in the lab yourself how those damage number look like.

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Thanks but I just can’t be bothered with mods. I don’t have the headspace for it. I like to reduce complications, especially in a fairly complicated game like DT.

Fs should simply take the good ones and implement them.

Amazing thanks. Very clear.

Do we know what hitmass maulers and crushers have? Is armour included in the hitmass?

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In that case check out that Darktide Breakpoint calc I linked. It’s a bit weird to use but will give you an idea.


Will do, thank you!

I don’t think ogryn pickaxes have been included yet. Hopefully soon. Thanks again for the link.

Includes all hit mass values and weapon attack cleave values.


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