Chill df shotgunners

its only me or there is more players that sick of this bs NERF THEM !!!
increase dmg fall off
increase pellet spread
reduce fire rate
reduce dmg
where df suppression??? (make the same as gunners)

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Meh its typical ObeseTubaFish.

They can’t make even a hotfix without introducing, or in this case reintroducing, severe bugs in unrelated systems. In this case they somehow managed to revert the shotgunners back to a very old setting. Back when you might get two or four at a time. Now of course you’re getting that level of power but having six or ten or more of them all focusing on one character.

Almost as if they don’t have an actual QA department or run actual playtests at all. Oh wait, they don’t do either of those at all. I mean even bloody Daybreak, you know the studio where MMO’s go to die, has an actual QA staff and runs a test server before patches. But apprently ObeseTubaFish has their heads so far up their collective rears that they don’t think they need either of those. Which given how they and their assorted simps like to justify all their screws up by saying “its so hard to code” would imply that you would want a thorough testing process. However the lack of such seems to imply that the staff think its so easy that they don’t need either. So either we have terminal levels of stupid or deliberate and systematized lying to cover incompetence.

I would say its sad that anyone could do a worse job than Daybreak, much less when handed one of the most-desired IPs in gaming for a third try, but at this point I’ve lost the ability to care. As far as I’m concerned the quicker this game and its ilk die die the better the chance the GW will give the license to someone else. At this point I would even take EA or Activision. Bottom-feeders and cesspits to make Nurgle recoil in disgust they are, at least we would be getting a functional game that doesn’t get worse with every patch.


I hate/love shotgunners :stuck_out_tongue:

FS, make an ogryn enemy with Rippers and Kickbacks. I desire to experience the icy grip of pure dread.


Whenever I think about using either of the flame weapon primaries Nurgle sends every homeless dreg fireteam my way. But I like how they’re the only gun enemy you have to respect. The rest are literally destroyed with nerfs by this point.

Instead of undoing any of those plethora of nerfs we get to enjoy bugged shotgunners refusing to back down mid combat until they get knocked off their feet or their head split open and nothing in between.

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I’m just gonna leave these here:


I knew something was up. The spawnrate of enemies is nuts right now.


idk think they are one of the easiest mobs.
slow easy to dodge their attacks easy to kill or make go to mele-stance if they somehow pinning someone down.

I just wish resistance to gunners applied to everything with a gun. Scab stalkers, shotgunners, reapers, etc. Alas, it doesn’t.

That being said, the knockback and stun from shotgunners and reapers is crazy. I wouldn’t mind that being toned down.


I’ve a working theory that the AI looks at your team make up, and tries to work out your weaknesses.
Which I applaud, if that’s actually in place.

But you can bet if I bring a knife, there’ll be maulers. A pistol, there’ll be crushers. And a shotfun, a million snipers.

Shotgunners: actually not all that bad imo. Worse to have a pack of machine gunners with unerring accuracy suppressing you from 100m away. I miss the zealot having zero suppression on that old talent tree.

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Please no, avoid making the game easier. If you want an easier time you can always queue an easier difficulty, but players who want a challenge can’t pick something harder than what’s currently in the game


The real nasty thing about shotgunners is that they ignore your toughness grace period. While also doing massive toughness damage. For every other unit in the game, there is a period of invulnerability after your toughness breaks to let you dive for cover. The exact length varies by difficulty but even on Damnation, it’s still a full second long.

Shotgunners give zero sh**s about our main character status and plot armour. They are delivering a cold dose of reality one pump cycle at a time.

I just wish we got their drum mags.


And their ability to fire through a horde and still hit with EVERY PELLET. And super-stealth teleportation tech that means you suddenly get hit in the back by 4 shotgun blasts from a spot you literally just checked 4 seconds ago that was absolutely clear. Those being just some of the things we know about.

If players can’t do something then mobs sure as heck shouldn’t do it either. Mobs already have the edge of numbers and not needing to worry about what happens if they use up X now instead of later. If that means something needs work (say actual coordination between NPC) to make it effective, well that is why developers are SUPPOSED to be “creative” people. Not a bunch of twits who recycle the same handful of ideas over and over.


Since i keep seeing the “shotgunners can shoot through enemies unhindered” thing repeated as absolute fact, I just went into the psykharium with the enemy spawner mod to try it out. Enemies do infact block eachothers shots and it works the exact same as what a player might experience, e.g. depending on what gun is being shot, it can penetrate through a poxwalker or two. It does hit them, it does stagger them, and if there’s enough of them it does infact block the shot entirely. As do bigger, beefier enemies, such as for example bruisers, elites, ogryn enemies. Those don’t allow for any penetration, just like most player weps. It varies based on weapon though, for example a sniper will absolutely penetrate things. A shotgunner will do a little bit of it. A regular shooter enemy will seemingly do almost none.
In other words, they respect hitmass the literal exact same way player weapons do. Not that I think this should actually be a metric, if players and enemies were playing under the same rules the game would be nearly impossibly hard. Consider how favorable stagger and suppression mechanics are to the player, and how toughness benefits the player. I think it’s crazy to suggest mechanics should always work the same regardless of who uses them.

Now how you came to the conclusion that this is why you’re dying to shotgunners even though it doesn’t actually happen, I don’t know. But I do know people like to make up excuses for skill issues inecessantly.


Shotgunners were already nerfed into the ground last year, it’s madness to suggest nerfing them again. They’re fine as is, the most threatening part about them in my opinion is the hitstun that opens the player up to getting combo’d by other enemies (or other shotgunners).


Or getting execution squaded when 10 of them pop out behind you and insta-down you. Relatively rare but has happened before.


I heard the current knockback of range fire from enemies is a bug, since it’s only supposed to happen after Toughness is broken. I think if that bug got fixed, a lot of the dissatisfaction towards gunners and shotgunners would be resolved.


In fact, it just did.

Well, uh…looks like more like ‘fixed’. As in, it’s in the patch notes, but people are reporting it’s actually been made worse.

In fact it did not get fixed. The patchnotes say so but it wasn’t, unfortunately.

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I’m noticing a big difference. Haven’t had a single silent pox burster yet. Did encounter the occasional silent trapper, though. (The spawn sound is played just fine, but the audible cackling they used to have isn’t there)