Character Name Was Changed

I made a Veteran named Adolf way back at the launch of the game. I’ve played with some people who didn’t like it, and others who thought it was funny or cool. Whatever you think of the name, it doesn’t matter. The fact is that if I’m not allowed to have this name, it should have said so when I created the character over a year ago. I just recently logged in and suddenly my character is named Ajax instead.

Without my consent or input my Veteran has been renamed. If you don’t want me to be named Adolf, for whatever reason, fine. At least give me the ability to choose a new name myself. Clearly the option to change character names is in the game since you did it yourselves, I’d just appreciate being able to choose my own name if you don’t like the original.


Strong Le Prénom vibes here :laughing:
If they give you the option to change your name again, you may want to adopt a High Gothic version of the name, such as Adolfus or Adolphus.


Also it seems like changing your character’s name should be an available feature. There are mods that allow you to edit your guy’s height, which isn’t in the base game, but it works and everyone else can see it. There are a bunch of things in the game that mods unlock, like weapon customization, that you could integrate officially. Seeing as how you edited my name for me, it seems like name changes are another thing that could be done. Hopefully you can add this feature in the future.

I have a few friends that have run into this naming issue, where they chose an auto-generated name when they made their character. They play for a while and get to lvl 30 and run into 500 other people also named Harkon and they wish they thought of something. Now I obviously chose a risky and politically charged name, but if you didn’t like it, you should have had a filter that prevented me from choosing it to begin with. I guess I’m fine being Ajax but please add in the ability to change names at some point, I don’t see why you can’t.


Wait like literally just Adolf? Nothing else to signify a reference? That’s literally just a first name come on. Dare I say pearl clutching from Fatshark? :thinking:


I had a coworker with the surname Mujahid and any bank transaction was always blocked or on hold for him.

And here’s another interesting story on LinkedIn.

Welcome to the real world :+1:


It’s a basic feature that should just be there. Period.

It’s one thing if you don’t want characters to have certain names. Naming restrictions in games are common enough and there’s a good reason for that. But why not just give the player the option to choose something else then? This would be a non-issue if players could just change their character names themselves.


Yeah just Adolf. Maybe if I spelled it Adolph or Adolphus it would be the same problem. I guarantee you if I named my guy Stalin it would have been fine.


Or Dolph.

Dolph Lundgren.

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Ohh well… It would be a shame if someone made a new vet character with name Austria’n Painter

Pick your poison FatShark… → List of painters from Austria


choleric mustache would be a thing too :smile:
brüllender schnauzer if you want to get more in character
though not confirmed, “Schickelgruber” was a side branch of the family name.

to think people still bat an eye given school education is beyond me.
whats gonna happen? say “candyman” 5 times in front of a mirror and an angry austrian jumps through the glass?

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File a support ticket and they can probably rename the character for you, there are other threads where they have done so.

Beyond that, let’s be real, you made a character with an intentionally edgy name for giggles. You knew what you were doing when you did it. You also agreed to a ToS when playing that has a ton of conditions, and that these conditions were up to Fatshark to interpret and enforce at their whim, and you got what you got. We’ve all been there before, none of this is new for videogames, I had a vanilla WoW character nearly 20 years ago get slam-hammered before I even got out of the starting zone once due to an edgy name.

A funny related story, in my 7th grade math class (back in the late 90s) when the teacher was out once and we had a sub, one kid put their name down as “Lucifer”, thinking they were being funny, and ended up being referred to as “Lucy” for the week.


You consented when you signed the ToS. Pretty sure you also consented to be permanently banned from the game at their sole discretion. I don’t think that’s warranted, but if you come back with Adolph or Adolphus I would not be shocked if they decided to be done with you entirely.

Thinking ‘Adolph’ is just a politically charged says a lot about who you are as a person. Being oblivious to how that name has a visceral impact on a lot of people is kinda mind boggling to me.

Nope. They removed someone named after a serial killer, I think it was jeffrey dahmer, but not 100% sure on that. I’m certain if they were made aware of someone named stalin it would be removed too.


Oh no not a visceral impact! They were about to murder 100’s of people in the game but a name ruined their whole day, I feel so bad from triggering people I don’t even like anyway. Pretty sure I could name my guy Trump and it would have the same effect lol. I’m not going to debate you over the matter, I said what I needed to say and I explained that name changes should be a feature anyway, which multiple people agreed with. If you don’t agree then fine.

I think the argument is won as soon as you make the point this whole game is about murdering millions upon millions of humanoid creatures in some of the goriest ways I’ve ever seen in a video game.

Kinda seems ironic to draw the line at potential references to bad human beings in real life lol


Adolphus Hiltspire sounds good to me.

40.000 years in the future the universe has experienced such magnitudes of pain and sorrow that no-one gives a flying KARK about what happened in a small continent on Terra once upon a time… (some probably wonder if it’s even true by that time in 40k, lol)


fun fact: Adolf was a very common german name in the HRE for over a thousand years before hitler

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If your name indeed was just Adolf, this is just wierd and very rude to change your name into something that you didn’t consent.

Like I would not like if they changed my name into:
“Poopy Stinky Joe Fart Fart lives at my full address his name is my full name”.

I was not afraid before, but now I am scared that they might do that.

PS: Write to Tech Support, they usually answer pretty fast

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Dont be so dense pleas…

Yeah, and there were tons of people named that up until around the 1940’s when it started to peter out, for some reason.

No one begrudges the people who were named adolf before that time, but people who willfully choose it are rightfully ostracized by the majority of people.


Oh boy, what did I trigger here…?

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