
Issue Type (Required):

Name Change

Issue Description (Required):

After launching the game, I saw that character’s name is “Reformed-Operative” and not “Stalin”, as it was before.
I can’t rename it back using the Personality Scourge because of “name validation failed”
What’s up?

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

This would have been changed by our moderators due to the nature of the name. Please choose another name.


What’s wrong with this name?
Why should I refuse the name of the man under whose leadership fascism was defeated?
Are there any official prohibitions on using this name?

So what now? I just created a topic on Reddit to discuss, without insults, how appropriate and legitimate your actions are, and you deleted this topic and permanently banned me.
Are you afraid even a simple discussion?

I agree, their politicized censorship is ridiculous.
Open all names, free the speech, let people name their characters the way they want!

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I agree with them

Such names should not be allowed.


its not that deep just pick another name

What’s wrong with this name?
Why should I refuse the name of the man under whose leadership fascism was defeated?
Are there any official prohibitions on using this name?

Are you serious dude? Stalin was a mass murderer on the same scale as Hitler if not even a notch higher. Sources and estimates wary, but short excursion into the Google might give you some insight.

I am with mods here, keep the politics out of the game.


Julia’s advice here is pretty cut and dry. Closing this topic before it spirals out unless Julia needs to open it up again for further support.