So because some losers liked attractive females, we need to combat them by making every female ugly? Im not sure what youre even trying to do with the Incel angle other than trying to accuse some guilt by association thing.
Which is a weak argument which only puts blame on the victim. I didnt derail my argument either because the post is focused on how the West views strong women by making them masculine while the East has strong women while still keeping them feminine. I dont agree with the Wests idea because it implies a woman can only be strong if she looks and acts like a man, which Darktide does and as a whole, the west does on average. The west has this weird idea that the only reason a woman can be strong is if she coincidentally looks very masculine which is a complete contradiction.
I feel like most of these posts are made by either women or people who are extremely shallow and petty. Did you ever think that maybe some of the depicting art could be imperial propaganda, or maybe that some of the real imperial guard convicts and veterans become slightly misshaped and scarred from the constant toil of the 40k setting.
As a man, i dont speak for all men, i can say that at least 3 or 4 of the female faces are pretty
Are you talking about physical strength? Women build muscle in the same way that men do, when they get muscly a lot of their body can end up looking more masculine, simply because we’re used to seeing those muscle shapes on men. Women aren’t usually depicted with bulging biceps.
Or is this exclusively about faces, which don’t have any real relation to physical ability beyond fat content?
It’s pretty bizarre that media content creators want to change what we find attractive or want our avatar to look like to change based on their visions of fantasy. Too many narcissists that think they’re competing with fantasy characters in looks.
Loot at images from people who come from the trenches of world war 1, or people on meth.
Genetics is not the only thing that can affect the way your face looks.
Like these guys? You guys seem to under the impression bones change on a whim. Guess what. Thats not how bones work. Being in a stressful environment doesnt make your jaw start to change shape.
I want pretty female faces but it is true at least that your skull shape as you reach adulthood can reflect habits you make in your expression. For example, I used to frown a lot and now my face is stuck that way. Also my eye brows are permanently furrowed
Im not strawmanning. People like to bring up the harsh conditions but harsh conditions doesnt make people look as deformed as they do in 40k barring some freak accident. Conditions doesnt make you look like a 40k character. Stop deflecting
Actually you might have a good point.
Psykers are not normal people.
You read the books and there’s tons of misshapen mutant looking brainy boys with defomed skulls.
Fat shark we need some skull size sliders for psyker and more obviously deformed faces with cables running into the back of the skull trailing down into the robes.
It’s an aesthetic choice by them, at the end of the day.
It’s an aesthetic choice that matches the setting.
40k people by and large are survivors. ~10,000 years of galactic warfare tends to select for traits like strength, toughness and ruthlessness. Good appealing bone structure.
There are pretty people in 40k. But they aren’t getting convicted for crimes against the Imperium and they aren’t in this game.
It’s an aesthetic choice that matches the setting.
Many examples show that not everyone is hideous.
40k people by and large are survivors. ~10,000 years of galactic warfare tends to select for traits like strength, toughness and ruthlessness. Good appealing bone structure.
So youre saying attractive people survived because of some strange natural selection where they all coincidentally died?
4.There are pretty people in 40k. But they aren’t getting convicted for crimes against the Imperium and they aren’t in this game.
Oh right, I forgot. Only ugly people commit crimes.
Shrapnel turns flesh into roast beef.
These de-formalities and strange bone structure isnt from shrapnel
Please fap to some other game.
Its so unbelievably cringe whenever people project their own weird problems onto other people. No one is asking for more attractive characters so they have something to pleasure themselves to and if thats the reason you jump to whenever people ask then I’m afraid attractive people aint the issue. Its you.
My priorities are in order. Dead heretics, not pretty faces. Your’s seem out of whack though citizen.
Attractive people survive today because we selectively breed for what is APPEALING. In 40k, most of the Imperium breeds out of necessity for more workers, unless you’re nobility.
Which leads me to my next point…
Noble crimes are not commoner crimes. Nobles don’t get sentenced to some penal colony. They either get off free or they get executed. Plebs, to feed the prison systems of 40k are the ones who get sentenced. To go to jail in 40k you had to hit some special combination of behavior between “bad enough to create a problem” and “not bad enough to get instantly shot.”
The bone structures are because of 10,000 years of harsh living, war and mixing all people’s from all places together. Again, 40k selects for the strong (i.e strong bones), not the pretty (delicate and fragile.)
And the only thing that’s cringe here is you posting sexy 40k pics to try and prove your point. Sweet Emperor on the Throne, get over it. Rule 34 exists, we get it.
Listen, I think anyone who acts like they dont care about attractive characters male or female are just delusional and lying to themselves. People always make their character look how they think looks best. People like attractive people, its literally in human nature. So whenever someone tries to argue otherwise I just see them as someone who thinks theyre somehow above everyone else because they say they dont like attractive characters.
I would say the only person youre fooling or convincing is yourself but lets be honest youre not. You just taught yourself to feel shame whenever you find another human attractive and ashamed of yourself to accept it because your grandiose idea that you are above the common rabble. You can keep replying to this but I’m just going to be honest I just think youre delusional.