Yes, and just the paints of the era of said textile industry are 100 times more hostile to ones body than 7/8 background options for all but the mining world and cadia your character can have (or even what bulk of 40k itself has for most characters short of the actual frontlines and lowest depths of hives).
this person suggesting that people would try to riot in 40K. News flash, they do. The imperium sends psychopathic death squads that make Hotel Rwanda look like a joke or assassins that leave the environment looking like a cheesy Deadpool scene afterwards. No one else dares to riot for ten generations.
Lol. The reason I have a male zealot is that the females in this game are hideous AF. Most of them seem to be specifically designed to look unattractive and to stand out. There is only a SINGLE face (the “strong female lead” face) that isn’t ugly and everyone is using it lol.
This isn’t a coomer rant. These faces are objectively bad looking. When you’re drawing an original character you often draw them to be good looking.
Ask yourself these questions. When you create a character in video games do you usually make them cool-looking? Edgy? Funny-looking? Manly? Feminine? Handsome? Most of people would answer “Yes” to most of these. Now, do you USUALLY make your characters ugly and unattractive? I thought so.
Kill squads and police brutality are only good as surgical measures, when there isnt a systemic problem yet. Given how disproportionately massive the civilians are compared to security - In a hive it would be a thousand to 1 ratio, if not more, nothing short of space marines would allow the rulers to contain the riots.
If you believe the common grim-derp slogan that 99% of civilian people live in hell and eat sh*t, then everybody will rise and overthrow the governance (of said hive/planet), like it was happening all the time in our history.
Again, if you think about it, the hyper brutality of civilian life in imperium doesn’t make sense. Imperium would collapse in a hundred years, if most civilians had a life like all the grim-derp enjoyers depict it.
I don’t believe 99% of people eat poop and live in hell. Someone else made that point. I said people in 40K are terrified of speaking against, let alone acting against the imperium.
Sure, kill squads (no matter how bloody) are only surgical measures. The imperium has a back up for when that solution isn’t feasible. It’s called exterminatus, and if an entire planet is in open rebellion, it does get used.
So much so that the game lore has to handwave and explain away why the Inquisition doesn’t just exterminatus Atoma Prime where the game is set. “Um… err… they make too much food and good tanks for us to destroy it.”
I cant remember which black library book it was in anymore, but one of them talked about the Dark Age of Technology and mankind during that time.
In it they were talking about how hardy humans are now. One of the characters talked about how Humanity ‘fixed’ our genome during this period, removing defects and diseases, increasing health and longevity and making everyone basically the perfect ‘human’. Humans lived for 500 years on average as a result!
So if your wondering how humans even survive in 40K, now you know
I don’t know how many books if any but if you read esinhorn you know it’s rare.
They don’t ever just blow planets up for anything less than full planet corruption.
If they can be saved they pump as much military into it to save it or evac as much important stuff as they can grab and run till they can get the planet back with reinforcements or a crusade.
If you just blow them up most of the time the surrounding world’s die or suffer since trade sends food or machinery to grow the food to each other.
Why is this a problem? I dont understand this ideology that characters should cater to every individual. I’m here to play the game, not look at how strong or how cute a female/male character is.
This was hardly an issue 15-20 years ago in games, why is it such a big deal now for people?
perfect human being apparently ugly
but hey, doesnt bother me that much, apart from the loading screen I don’t get to see my characters face.
the truth is (of all 3rd person games) you spend most your your time looking at their ass. Buns of steel? check…all is well. If anything development should go into customizing our characters ass
Everyone has their own preferences and things they like to do over other things. Just because something is not important to you does not mean others can’t find it important to them
In todays games, if the developers create a ‘character creator’ and have promo lines like ‘Create your own, unique character and customize their physical appearance, voice, and origin.’ People who are into character creation are going to expect a certain level of variability
I can understand and respect that
…these people were in the Guard before they ended up in the prison at the beginning of the game.
Do you not expect to be in the Guard is hostile enough to warrant grime and scars and disfigurement and all that? Do you really think that the early textile industry - while hostile and toxic for us - even comes close to being in the Guard fighting cultists, orks, demons, taus, necrons, starvation and wars?
Did you not understand how hostile that environment are supposed to be for the Guard, which they’ve spent most of their lives in?
The early textile industry is some of the most toxic environments in early industry, but it does not compare with the extreme environment that The Imperial Guard has to live through.
No offense, but “muh exterminatus” is one of the biggest signs that someone doesn’t really know all that much about 40k. It’s not used often at all; certainly not “so much so that the game has to handwave and explain away” why Atoma Prime isn’t eradicated. It’s not even frequently used on planets that are totally overrun if simply quarantining said planet is deemed possible.
I have 2 male characters and decided to make a female one for a different voice. I struggled to make something that I liked, mostly because the female hair styles were pretty awful.
They werent. Vet optionally was actually on the front line, everyone else has at most 2 non-civilian life options. And no, the most hostile not-mid-eye-of-terror-opening life is barely as extreme as far as disfigurement without dismemberment potential goes compared to the materials used by 2nd sector work of the industrial revolution.
Fatshark can keep the characters, to quote the line again, “looking so inbred and stair-fall trashed that they make the late core family Habsburgs like beauty queen contestants”, but you cant argue with “muh unrealistic to be pretty” when lads and ladies of both the industrial revolution and WW1 had less makeup and still were better looking.
Ultimately the problem with making everyone disgustingly unattractive is that a majority of the playerbase is all going to have the same 1-2 faces, since they accidentally allowed a couple of decent ones in(allegedly; the most popular female face looks like my brother). Instead of a crew of unattractive prisoners, it’s an army of clones. It’s all kind of moot, anyway, since people are just going to cover their ugly faces with masks and helmets ASAP.
Good job, I guess.
While I can get behind some of the faces, at least if I play a certain character like a “role” (like evildoer, good soldier, unlucky scribe, …), I can not call it with good faith “customisation”, as in to make it MY REJECT.
No, it is not really possible. While I like them more or less after over 100 hours (I made 5 operatives), I would not mind if we would get an “Ubersreik 5” team, with options to customise them.
Well, mayhaps when we have better/ more options for the faces and some semblance of a story in some years and after visiting the barber it will look like a great idea.
This is also with I do not understand!
While of course some people, regarding the topic women, can be less handsome and are more skilled in other matters - or not - it can’t be that like 7/10 options look like they have raised the afterbirth.
I mean, Saltzpyre or Sienna won us over with their witty dialogue and strong/ interesting manner first (at least for me IMHO), but we lack this here.
(Also they look splendid while in action and in some of the artwork)
I appreciate the work done to get the best out of RNG banter possible with several options, but it does not help to look past these faces we get.
I tried several faces and can work with some if I make a story up in my head what has happened to them/ how their life was and overall it is not that bad (additional to the one ingame), mayhaps if we could get an slider to let some of the faces look younger/ older it could solve some issues. Some seem that they just have witnessed too much already (or could not really stomach it).
While this system/selection sounds great on paper, it doesn’t look so good in the game.
(Regarding the Ubersreik 5/ the “promo rejects”: While we can make the same Preacher as in the trailers (at least I suppose it is her) she doesn’t look THAT well.
I like the Preachergirl on the Cover quite a lot and in a “Ubersreik”-40k scenario I would really like her - because of the dialogue, the banter, the skins, the mannerism, etc.
Without it, just the shell so to speak, the face-option looks… yeah, not so well.
Still, it is one face I can live with.)
Totally agree with your statement in general, however this game is not a case where that applies.
Although it would be kinda nice to have “pretty” face options, we do not have them for either sex.
ALL (male as well as female) face options pretty much look like a person who just crawled out of the trenches of WW1 after not having slept for about a year or so.
Just a reminder last time this thread went around the Devs basically said outright that more faces MAY be added later, but if they are you can bet they won’t be pretty.
Personally I enjoy the range of faces offered, though more options are always nice.
As a side note OP, you really derail your own point later with the whole “West vs East” shtick you go into. A lot of us are reasonably wary of those kinds of arguments, having seen them repeatedly come from weird incel types in the past. TBC not saying you’re automatically a creeper if you want nicer looking faces, but that line of argument in particular is… unfortunate.