Can we have Scoreboards?

I would not be in favor of having any kind of scoreboard. How do you think a scoreboard would be implemented? If we’re talking about strictly kills, the ones dedicated to crowd control (flamers, purgatus, etc) would have the highest score every time.

There’s too many variables that determine how effective someone can be. If it’s based on kills, people are going to go out of their way to get as many kills as possible. Surely I don’t have to explain why this an absolutely awful idea…

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You do, because data is just information. Why would it be a terrible idea to give people information?

To cover what you’re looking for, you just need MORE information. Like total CC conducted, Damage Blocked, Damage Done, Kills Done, each broken into individual categories by mob type. Killing 5 “Elites” is meaningless, killing 5 Poxbusters is meaningful. Doing 10000 damage has little meaning; doing 10000 damage per armor type is meaningful.

And when you drown people in all these statistics, people won’t even know what’s better or not. They’ll just have information and discussions. Which is what people want.

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Vermintide 2 literally has a scoreboard. Basically that, but with more statistics represented on the scoreboard like damage blocked, for example.


It’s all about having a scoreboard with tangible results to determine if your build is performing to the design intent.

Total Damage Done - break out melee/ranged/grenade(?)
Total Damage Taken - break out toughness and health - would be good to see how well you’re managing your toughness
Specialists taken down - break out each specialist type
Maybe some tracking involving specials

It´s still about a lot of RNG in spawns, the performance and classes of your whole team, the map, luck etc…

You do an easier job going into the testcenter and hitting some breakpoints on enemies with your build if you really care that much about its performance. In that way you can be sure to oneshot horde-enemies, to need 4 instead of 5 hits onto a crusher etc…

Also such measurements like “downed, revives, etc…” often rely to bad spawns, being unlucky, having a team that doesn´t play well together and so on.
No chance any scoreboard will tell you much about your own or your build performance. If anything something like damage dealt will tell you if a weapon or class is clearly busted when you swapped them and suddenly do the doubled amount of damage but nearly the same kills, or maybe that your team afk´d all day long.
Otherwise it´s nothing really more than the good old e-d comparison and made for poeple “who wants to feel better”.

Not sure why.
Why is it so hard for people to understand data points?

You play a game and at the end, you would get some stats (scoreboard) - that is a data point.
What does that data point mean by itself? Not much. Maybe you were just lucky/unlucky.
Now, take MULTIPLE data points and cross-reference them with variables YOU are deliberately introducing in the game (different builds, weapons, swing patterns aka combos etc.) and you get some idea about how these variables affect YOUR game*.

This is just how poker players (also a game with RNG) evaluate their strategies because, like in DT, there are multiple factors we don’t control such as luck and other players in the game.

* Emphasis on “YOUR” because, just because YOU are doing much better with gun A instead of gun B, doesn’t mean everyone does.


Ive come to the conclusion that fatshark kept a scoreboard out so we cant see how trash their balancing of weapons and classes are. Imagine if on top of all the current complaints people were able to back up their complaints with actual numbers and data. Fatshark just cant let that happen.


are you watching drama when playing darktide so you dont know how you played? i realy want someone to sell me this idea “we need scoreboards” what are they good for? if you dont know which gear to take just play diff 1+ 2+ learn a game, learn your weapons and get better at it.

You really wanna tell me you have a spreadsheet nearby and would write every statistics from each game down to compare them after 100 runs to make an average statement?

Like common… it´s up to you, but as i´ve said, the easiest and fastest way is to check out stuff in the testcenter going for breakpoints and stuff. It´ll tell you immediately how effective your weapons and builds are against the majority of enemies. Also a lot of stuff is obvious anyway like playing zealot on a flamethrower will count in less special kills because you miss effective range, but of course the overall kills and damage will increase significantly since you melt down hordes in a second. (Unless you don´t have any other teammate with range aka Psyker or Vet)

You would actually be the first player i´ve ever met trying to get so much out of some numbers or green circles. The majority will just be there “hühühü i´m awesome” and in the worst case start to flame others based on how awesome they´re. It´s not that different than all the KD heros in PvP games.

EDIT: And skill is hard to messure anyway unless someone carries each run or atleast don´t go down that much. It´ll always depend and someone can even be more skilled than guys sitting on breakpoints or higher gear, but you wouldn´t mention it caused by a stat-difference.

No one can sell you something you absolutely don’t want to buy.

Why are there game stats when watching sports on TV? Do they think we are watching something else during the match?
No, it’s because you cannot keep track of every aspect of the game as it is happening.
It’s even worse if you are the one PLAYING the game.
You think I can even remotely guess, for example, the % of specials that I killed or the % of damage I did to elites?
Dude, I am focusing on the game and looking around waiting for those hounds I hear to show up.

Ideally, we would have a replay system, but at least a scoreboard would be nice.

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If I played this game professionally (as a main source of income), then maybe.
The way I did it in VT2 and other games is just doing from memory and it was good enough, but since there is no scoreboard, I can’t even do that.

How can you flame someone when it’s the end of the match? Like literally even if I wanted to flame, I couldn’t in VT2 because the game is over and people just leave. No one cares.
If you are playing with friends, hopefully, you don’t require a lack of scoreboards to keep those friends.


Sure, but let’s track what’s important instead of kill numbers:

  • lowest average coherency
  • most times downed
  • most ammo taken
  • most health damage taken

If you’re serious about winning, that is.


I’ve come to the conclusion that people that are against scoreboard must really SUCK as a player and are really afraid to show it. There is no other plausible explanation for not wanting a scoreboard in a game that would benefit greatly from it. Cause if you play the game well enough, why mind the results? If you don’t care either way, again, why mind the results? If you don’t want a scoreboard, WHY the fuk are you wasting time arguing against it if, like other people said, it will show literally at the end of the match where people can just leave! Done! Move on!

Oh and by the way, if you do suck at it, news flash, no one cares! No one will waste time saying anything at the end, also because there won’t be any time left for it after the scoreboard is presented. I think.

And just to be done here, the Devs already said its coming, no use to complain about it and annoy people that want it (which is most of the player base. Yes, there was even a poll made about it some time ago, vast majority want a scoreboard).

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Sure, those are also cool stats I am interested in.
The more the better. There is no stat that wouldn’t want shown.


It´s not about to flame the “bad guy from the end of the match”. Even if some abandoned the next match or may kicked them in V2.

It´s about what happens in the players head relying on those circles and being like 10 games in a row “YEAHHH I CARRIED!!!”. They gonna feel super pro and if someone makes a mistake or just dies to bad luck in future games, they start moan and in the worst case flame.
I mean… we all know that, even with friends in discord being like “Hüüühh f`*** randoms…”

Vermintide got highly elitist over the time and a lot of ppl called others to suck and in the worst case it was the host raging and leaving. Not to mention the kicks because someone died (aka useless) or didn´t play meta, dropped a grimoire to safe the run, whatever…

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nothing realy changed that much in dt.

yea scorebord will show up for ten second at end of mission. yay, FS is neck deep in other problems lets work on scoreboars that will make game better experience for people who have performace issues or cant even play. i have seen like 7500+ scoreboards am i better player now? nope my wrist hurts sometime :smiley:

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LOL, good one.

How about accuracy instead. Most ammo taken is funny though.

There is little point to have some of these stats you mentioned after a match, this does not provide any growth to discuss with other players. Let alone we have 20 seconds to even look. If I get up after a match to throw something away or go the bathroom, I will miss the stats.

How do you see a conversation going with someone that took all the ammo after a match? If they don’t leave before you can type, and If your on the mic frustrated, I dont think talking about ammo taken or who got downed is very productive. Just say GG, NT and move on.

Most health damage taken, The zealot has a build that benefits from having damage to health taken. This would just justify bad player habits.

Lowest Coherency is good.

I would suggest Accuracy numbers first and perhaps the amount of items collected.
For example 2/3 medkits, or 15/20 plasteel, or 0/2 ammo crates. This will provide data that could help understand what spawned during a match for the team.

I would like a place in the HUB with an endmission report where you get all the numbers and specifics. I think being able to chew over stats while waiting in the hub (not for weapons) for friends. yes waiting for a friend.

This is simply not the case. Yes some players get carried but for the most part I personally think is doesn’t matter. Sure I love getting all the green boxes in V2, but when I play with friends, they feel bad at the end of a successful mission. They feel good about winning only to see stats showing how little they actually contributed.

Everyone mentioning no one cares for players that suck, stop. Try looking from their PoV.

The people who perform the worst on a consistent basis already know they are bad or yes don’t care. Imagine having to play 10-20 games with a scoreboard and being labeled the “worst” on each one. There will be a few games where players point that out and put you down. Its not productive and not a healthy environment to want to play the game in.

IE no scoreboard at launch is 1 of 2 things,

  1. its toxic (like the devs mentioned)
  2. not finished

Both are likely. It’s interesting that some of the loudest chatter in the forums is revolving around what some are discussing as toxic. Thank God they removed friendly fire because oh boy!

Like I’ve mentioned before a place in the hub with all the stats for all of your games would be great. At the end of a match, like you said, people just leave so what’s the point. I could say the same points to you about not having a scoreboard at the end of the match.


I agree. I would prefer the fires to be put out before implementing a scoreboard. Lets be honest people will immediately trash the scoreboard for not having (insert stat you want here) or where muh green circle SAH?

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I have no idea why you’re responding to me, seems like utter nonsense in response to what I wrote.

I want intending to respond to you directly. Was imtending it more as a general statement and a whole lot of sass. I actually thought i was just posting in the thread. The mobile interface is a little wonky for me.