Can we have a rough timeline for the future?

It’s nice to know that the devs are working on SOMEthing, but I don’t feel confident in their ability to deliver. A roadmap is probably too big a request for Fatshark, but can we at least have an estimate on when the first major patch is gonna roll out?

yeah, we’ll find that out around the end of the month they just said.


How on earth would a roadmap or any kind of timeline do anything to ensure something good is delivered? If anything it’d just encourage them to rush out something that isn’t ready to meet some arbitrary estimate they set.

I understand people are anxious about the upcoming changes but there is only one good solution for you.

If you’re getting anxious about update timelines simply play something else in the mean time, forget about Darktide, then the update will just be a pleasant surprise whenever it happens. It’s what I often do, strongly recommend.


About changes to penances

As for everything else, coming soon eventually tm

Only thkng I care about is what’s coming before summer break vs after. I’m assuming we’ll get penances before and everything after but a confirmation would be nice.

I’m guessing the penance overhaul patch will be sometime in April as there’s dev blog at the end of this month and updates are usually within a month after the relevant dev long as that was usually the case last year.


It’s crazy how after all this time they still can’t manage anything better than “sometime in the next months we’ll release info about a patch that will release some amount of time after that”
I remember very similar “info about patch coming next week!” memes going on near release.


people are still playing this game. Helldivers 2 released, it’s better in every way, playing this out of IP loyalty is a fools errand.


I came from VT2 and this style of combat is my jam. If this game is not yours, then that is completely understandable. The door is open; have a good life, sirrah.


On the contrary, I am a firm believer that deadlines can be useful tools to deliver quality within a reasonable amount of time. Something that is left completely open ended can be left to feature creep, requires more cutting, never gets finalized, gets continuously pushed back etc. Having a deadline can motivate people to work when perhaps they wouldn’t be without one.

I’m not a game devoloper or a coder. I don’t know how these things work. I can only talk from personal experience and say that for me, and other people I’ve worked with deadlines and dates can (very important, not are but can) be a positive tool. That’s not to say that alterations can’t be made or more time can’t be given if neccassary, but a form of structure has always been helpful to me.

I know lots of game companies have awful crunch time and poor working conditions to force products out on time. That is not a good thing. But I do think a balance can be reached between leaving everything completely open ended and sweatshop coding.

(I am well aware of FS’s history with dates. Maybe with their company culture or style of work set dates would/do not benefit them at all. As mentioned before I am just going off of personal experience.)


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